China Jails Citizen Journalist for 4 Years Over COVID-19 Reporting

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Chinese citizen journalist Zhang Zhan was sentenced to four years in prison on Monday, becoming the first known reporter to be sentenced by Beijing for providing first-hand information about the CCP virus pandemic inside China.

Zhang, a 37-year-old former lawyer, was convicted of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” by the Pudong New Area People’s Court in Shanghai, according to her defense lawyers Zhang Keke and Ren Quanniu.

Zhang appeared in court in a wheelchair and her mother cried loudly after hearing her sentence.

“Picking quarrels and provoking trouble” and “subversion of state power” are two common charges the Chinese regime uses to imprison dissidents.

Lawyer Zhang Keke told Hong Kong outlet Apple Daily after the court’s sentencing that Zhang was not in good health following a months-long hunger strike. He added that his client did not agree with the four-year sentence, saying that her comments shouldn’t be subject to any review, let alone charged for a crime.

Despite her poor health, Zhang Keke said that he had no idea whether his client will continue the hunger strike in protest.

Read the full article here: China Jails Citizen Journalist for 4 Years Over COVID-19 Reporting

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