CDC/FDA are Committing Fraud Against VAERS!

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Heading into late 2023 it’s basically an accepted fact that medical data is being manipulated, obfuscated and deleted all over the world

Many of my counterparts are saying the same thing about Australia’s TGA, UK’s MHRA, and the EU’s Eudravigilance.

I haven’t heard or seen any of our other VAERS experts really talking about the fraud being perpetrated on VAERS outside of, but rather just the continued dump & pump routine still trying to measure the toxicity of this de-pop jab.

  • a.) My analysis of finalized ID#’s versus temporary ID#’s HERE. This link is a good thread and explanation of this graph, video of RFKjr himself saying he was told, “VAERS disappeared 150,000 reports…”, and my analysis of the General Dynamics contract and monthly summaries during the same time frames in 2021.

  • b.) Study of General Dynamics (GDIT) monthly processing of incoming/published VAERS reports HERE.
  • c.) Robert F. Kennedy Jr telling my church in June 2021 of “disappearing reports” video HERE.
  • d.) ~30,000 UNPUBLISHED ID#’S during the Covid Era have never been published, the corresponding dashboard is HERE.

Deleting legitimate reports aka NOT duplicate or fake reports:

I have the only Deleted Reports Dashboard in the world, I have identified thousands of deleted reports that do not have any “reasonable” matching live report to consider the a deleted report a duplicate.

Moreover there are many of these that are professional structure and written and even contain the phrase, “submitted by a contactable physician” or “submitted by a contactable healthcare professional”.

I’m really surprised CDC/FDA held onto any shred of credibility for as long as they did. There was a great purge in late 2009 where they deleted 65 oral polio vax deaths (OPV), I will bring the receipts on that story again for the Substack crowd soon.

In the meantime, I present this Pfizer trial patient DEATH that was deleted. In total there is about or up to fifteen trial patients that have been deleted for VAERS with no reasonable explanation.

Scrubbing Data Fields like age and Location:

Oh good lord, this is a easy thinly vailed scam to reveal. Here is the dead kids with missing ages, and this is the general over view of how many ages are properly documented in the summary narrative section, but not populated in the actual age field.:

The best visual for state location being scrubbed from reports is looking at the death reports:

Wow! Unknown location percentage doubles for death reports, the most heavily scrutinized and vetted severe event level.

This is absolutely ridiculous, almost a third of all domestic deaths are coming form a location that is unknown? No IP address? No Fax or telephone number or email to request additional information?

I guess the reports washed up on shore one day sealed in a bottle. VAERS loves to kick a guy in the nuts when he is down, so here it is… the throttled deaths are also mostly coming from unknown states!

I wonder if there is a PhD that could give a us p-value on the chances of this being reasonably plausible?

Throttling Reports (purposeful delay in publication):

The image above is just one general visual of the throttling but there are thousands and thousands of reports beyond death reports that are purposefully delayed to publish. I’ve been showing Guinness Records for throttling and the throttling issue has been my main schtick, so I’ll just take you HERE to see some more examples.

Misclassifying serious events as “Not Serious” even deaths:

This is a easy one, I’d start by saying there are still about 50 dead victims not classified as dead because “died” box is NOT checked. See HERE.

I will also attest and take the Pepsi Challenge to prove there are at least ~100K serious reports classified in the None of Above aka not serious bucket that are scary serious including death, cardiac arrest, brain strokes, pulmonary embolism, fetal demise and stillbirths, etc.

Bundling multiple deaths on one report:

Easy and there are many. If I could unbundled these deaths, there would be as many as 1,500 extra deaths?

Misclassified Vax Types:


VAERS is a great system, it could be excellent if the pharma shill gatekeepers weren’t in charge of maintaining it. VAERS is a great system not for anything special the CDC/FDA is doing, but in large part for what has done to preserve almost all of the historical data for the last twenty years.

MedAlert’s own Wayback Machine area and expert mode is making the VAERS system accountable. All of this obfuscation makes a material difference in PRR analysis, Hot lot analysis, URF analysis, etc.

Hopefully in the future websites and interactive dashboards like will help to hold CDC/FDA accountable in a court of law for the fraud and scams they are pulling with the VAERS system.

If this was a poker game these clowns would be dealing from the bottom of the deck!


Source: CDC/FDA are Committing Fraud Against VAERS! | Principia Scientific Intl.

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