Biden sends baby formula to illegals at border while grocery stores run dry

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(Natural News) The Biden regime is reportedly taking what little supply remains of baby formula in the United States and sending it to the southern border for illegal aliens to use.

Rep. Kat Cammack, a Republican from Florida, says this “total dumpster fire” of an administration is directly responsible for the baby formula shortage that has left grocery store shelves all across the country empty.

“Back in November, their own FDA shut the number one manufacturer of baby formula down on a tip with no plan to backfill the 43% that this manufacturer is a part of the market share,” Cammack told Sean Hannity during a recent appearance on Fox News.

“So, again, typical Biden administration – no plan, no contingencies, no way to backfill 43% of our nation’s supply of baby formula. Yet just today, I’m getting word from Border Patrol agents that there is a tractor trailer full of pallets of baby formula sitting in that storeroom.”

Describing the Biden regime’s new policy as another example of its “America Last” agenda, Cammack went on to explain that, sure, there are mothers in need at the border, but there are also Americans in need – and Biden’s job is to govern Americans, not the rest of the world.

“Biden is sending pallets of baby formula to the border,” she added.

“Meanwhile, store shelves across America are empty and moms are being told they don’t know when more is coming in. Welcome to Biden’s America where American moms and dads are last. What is infuriating to me is that this is another example of an America last agenda.”

Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre laughs when asked about baby formula crisis caused by Biden

Reporters caught up with Joe Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre as her gaggle was boarding Air Force One on the way to Chicago on May 11 to ask about the situation, to which she laughed at them.

When pressed about who in the regime is “running point” on the baby formula shortage, this is how Jean-Pierre responded (listen below):

“I mean, I, I, at the White House, I don’t, I don’t know (this statement was followed by an audible laugh)? I can find out for you and get you a person who’s running point, um, but I don’t that person’s name.”

This is apparently all a joke to Biden and his people, who clearly could not care less about the plight of Americans and specifically American mothers who rely on baby formula to feed their children.

The regime is, however, making sure that illegals at the border receive as much baby formula as they need during this time of crisis.

“Texas should seize those shipments of fed baby food and use if to help our own citizens’ babies,” wrote someone in the comments. “These damn illegals have no right to come before needy U.S. citizens!”

“Destroy the middle class and continue to enslave us into total government subsistence,” wrote another about what is currently and continually unfolding in this former “land of the free.”

“This is a classic subversion campaign that our CIA has rolled out onto countless countries. The name of the game is subvert our republic into a dependent welfare state where the nanny state government provides for your existence. Expect this to continue through the rest of 2022 and beyond.”

Others questioned how it can be that only one company, Abbott Nutrition, seems to make baby formula in this country. Are there not any others that can help fill the gap?

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Sources for this article include:

Source: Biden sends baby formula to illegals at border while grocery stores run dry –

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