Best scientific documentary I’ve ever seen on Nano tech, Covid Vaccine deaths, fish out of water…

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This is the BEST scientifically ACCURATE, Beautifully explained productions on the Nano “particles” that are present in these so-called Covid vaccines, and all correlating matters, that I’ve ever seen. It connects SO MANY DOTS!
Also, it’s PACKED with awesome footage and graphics.

Why do athletes seem more susceptible to adverse vaccine effects?
What precisely is this fish out of water syndrome?
Why are some people adversely affected by vaccines and not others?
Why are many vaccinated people magnetic?
Correlation to musicians and wireless transceivers
Correlation to snake venom
Correlation to people collapsing at railway stations.
Electromagnetic Correlation
Cancer Correlation (two thirds of all new cases are already Stage 4!)
And way more!

I’ve touched on the subject of Inter Body Nano Communication Systems before in several videos. I even intensely researched this subject, independently, for around nine months. I can tell you with a HIGH DEGREE of confidence that the suppositions and claims that you will hear in this video are ACCURATE.

This analysis is so good. Clearly, a whole team of people worked on this production. It would take me hundreds and hundreds of hours to make something like this on my own. It’s also a WHERE’S WALDO of Mith Chronicler videos. You will recognize many segments that I’ve covered or reported on in the past. Still, there’s NOTHING BORING or redundant about this. This is NOT dry, boring material. It’s fascinating and horrifying!

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