ACIP Strikes Again: Recommending Pfizer Vaccine To Teens

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The CDC, through Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), (its committee that puts vaccines on the childhood schedule), made another arbitrary decision to experiment on our children when it voted on May 12 to recommend the Pfizer vaccine for 12 to 15 year olds.

The decision did not come as a surprise to those familiar with how ACIP operates, as it was hurried and not evidence-based.

The CDC’s own data shows that children have a 99.99 percent chance of surviving COVID. Yet the CDC decided to recommend the use of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for children 12 and older — a population where the risk of severe illness is miniscule.

Let me be clear that my use of the word “experiment” above has nothing to do with the current Emergency Use Authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine while it’s still in phase three trials. Or the fact that the vaccine utilizes a technology that’s never before been used in humans. I say “experiment” because the entire childhood vaccine program is one giant experiment on our pediatric population — our leaders of tomorrow.

It’s an experiment because the products aren’t tested in combination with each other. ACIP simply recommends the products be given at the same visit but “in different limbs.” ACIP says that COVID vaccines can now be given with any other vaccine, without any safety or efficacy data to support its recommendation. This means that pregnant women — who were previously advised to avoid vaccines during pregnancy to minimize in-utero exposures — can now get a COVID, flu and Tdap shot at the same time. And your tween can get a COVID, flu, Tdap, HPV and meningococcal vaccine at the same time. (That’s essentially seven different vaccines administered simultaneously.)

At its May 12 emergency meeting, ACIP said that COVID vaccines can be given with other vaccines; however, the CDC committee has no safety data to support its recommendation.

Read full story here: Article Source: ACIP Strikes Again: Recommending Pfizer Vaccine To Teens

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