YouTube Deletes Video of Senate Hearing on COVID Treatment from Senator’s Channel

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Article Source: YouTube deletes video of Senate hearing on COVID treatment from senator’s channel | News | LifeSite

While YouTube removed the video from the senator’s account, it was still up on Bloomberg News’ YouTube page.

Wed Feb 3, 2021 – 9:45 am EST – By Michael Haynes

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 3, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — YouTube has removed videos of a Senate hearing on COVID-19 treatments from a U.S. senator’s official account. The Google-owned video platform claimed the videos violated the COVID-19 misinformation policy.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) had posted videos on his YouTube channel from a December 2020 Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing. Johnson is the chair of the committee. The hearing was focussed on treatments for COVID-19, with particular mention of the drug ivermectin.

One of the now-deleted clips was of Dr. Pierre Kory, who is a founding member of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), “a group of highly published leaders in critical care” seeking to stop excessive mortality from COVID-19. FLCCC has developed a treatment regimen incorporating ivermectin, which the group says has led to up to 83% lower-than-average COVID-19 death rates in hospitals that have applied it.

In the hearing, Kory testified, “In the last three to four months, emerging publications provide conclusive data on the profound efficacy of the anti-parasite, anti-viral drug, anti-inflammatory agent called ivermectin in all stages of the disease.”

“Ivermectin is highly safe, widely available, and low cost,” he said. “We now have data from over 20 well-designed clinical studies, 10 of them randomized, controlled trials, with every study consistently reporting large magnitude and statistically significant benefits in decreasing transmission rates, shortening recovery times, decreasing hospitalizations, or large reductions in deaths.”

However, notwithstanding the approval of Kory’s colleagues, ivermectin had been essentially blacklisted, until it was recently “recommended” as a treatment for COVID-19 on January 14 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Despite this approval from the NIH, just last week YouTube removed videos from Johnson’s account…

Read the full story here

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