“Your Life As A Digital Ghost”…

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…And The Race For Space Satellites And Space Lasers For The Metaverse Infrastructure Of Digital Twins

Its getting busy up there in space and Big Tech Giants like Facebook, Amazon, Space X and Starlink are racing to place their satellites and lasers in orbit. I am an inquisitive mind, and the question of who are they shooting at in space and on earth and was Maui just a warmup in directed energy weaponry via lasers – certainly does not escape me.

Most people on this planet are still not aware about the transhumanist agenda and the digitization and surveillance of all life. But why do you think we need wireless towers on the moon? And if there is no such thing as the plan to upload humanity into the metaverse, then why is there an digital twin for Planet Earth, and a digital twin of every human being captured and uploaded?

And why do University Professors write books and discuss your digital ghost and the resurrection of your digital self that is supposedly immortal?

For all those still not facing the self assembly and self spreading nanotechnology in the blood as a means for total surveillance under the skin, absolute control of humanity for the global agenda to live in the metaverse and be controlled by your quantum computing AI digital twin via bidirectional telemetry of your nanosensors that can predict all quantum superpositions of your potential choices and modify your WBAN according to its decision making – did you know there is a digital afterlife industry?

Please remember that Professor Ian Akyldiz, who is part of the IEEE, stated that the COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES – meaning Graphene based plasmonic nano-transceivers for terahertz band communication.

Listen to this lecture discussing that your digital twin is much more evolved than you and hence your digital twin will download you with…


Read the full story here: “Your Life As A Digital Ghost” And The Race For Space Satellites And Space Lasers For The Metaverse Infrastructure Of Digital Twins

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