You Don’t Want to Know What’s In San Francisco’s Reparations Proposal…

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Over the weekend, we warned about the steadily advancing agenda of imposing a new, permanent racial caste system onto the American public in the guise of “reparations.” The demands, we said, are steadily getting more and more ambitious, and the likelihood of true reparations actually becoming a reality is far closer than most realize.

Read More: Democrats Are Looting Taxpayers With Their New “Reparations” Bill… Will the GOP Grow a Spine and Stop Them?

But even we were stunned by what just came out of San Francisco.

The San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee presented its list of recommendations to the San Francisco city government late last month, but the proposal gained public attention, fittingly, on Martin Luther King Day.

For once, a high-profile reparations proposal got substantial coverage from conservative media, including Fox, The Washington Examiner, and National Review.

The New York Post’s write-up of the proposal is fairly typical.

​A San Francisco panel studying reparations has proposed a one-time payment of $5 million to each black resident of the city deemed eligible as recompense for the “decades of harm they have experienced,” according to a report on Monday.

“A lump sum payment would compensate the affected population … and will redress the economic and opportunity losses that​ ​Black San Franciscans have endured, collectively, as the result of both intentional decisions and​ ​unintended harms perpetuated by City policy​,” the San Francisco African American Reparations Advisory Committee said in a draft report issued last month, Fox News Digital reported. ​

The committee also proposed wiping out all debts associated with educational, personal, credit card and payday loans for black households. [NY Post]

The proposal even triggered a response from suddenly-high-profile black House Rep. Byron Donalds, who remarked that the plan is “patently unfair.”

That is putting it very mildly. We have read through the committee’s full set of recommendations, which run for twenty pages.

The San Francisco reparations proposal is far, far more extreme than even most critical reporting on it acknowledges.

Wait, more extreme than a total debt jubilee and $5 million checks for everyone with enough melanin? Incredibly, yes. That only scratching the surface of a deeply deranged policy.

It is no mere “reparations” proposal. It is a nothing less plan to create a new perpetual nobility in San Francisco, with membership determined by belonging to a small, privileged race of supposed victims.

One of the most electric proposals of the reparations plan, reported on by some outlets, is a suggestion that San Francisco supplement the income of all black households to make sure it reaches at least the median household income for the city (currently $97,000). Homeless drug addict living on the street? Professional criminal plundering cars and Walgreens for a living? Underemployed ne’er-do-well who can’t keep a job? Don’t worry, all of these people will now be getting subsidies of nearly a hundred thousand dollars…if they’re black.

But even wilder, the proposal specifically asks that the $97,000 guaranteed income payouts happen for the next two hundred and fifty years. For comparison, the United States of America and San Francisco itself will both turn 246 this year. Any suggestion of making financial payments based on race that lasts for two and a half centuries is not a proposal for reparations. It is a demand to create a new social order, one where some races are marked as superior and others as inferior.

This point is driven home by the many other ways the reparations propose dramatic, long-term benefits available only to black residents of San Francisco. For instance:

  • Introduce tax credits for those who qualify for Reparations: Payroll tax, business tax, property tax, etc.
  • Offer Black-led housing cooperatives tax credits to offset property taxes.
  • 7.2 Tax relief and incentives: Exemptions from payroll tax and property tax; Assistance from the City with outstanding taxes to ensure that people are up-to-date on tax liabilities.

You might be familiar with the French Revolution, where the peasants and bourgeoisie of France rose up, abolished the monarchy, and lopped off a lot of heads. One of the major complaints that motivated the revolution was taxes: Specifically, the nobility of France were exempted from most of the direct taxes that the rest of the county was obliged to pay.

Exemption from taxes is, in fact, a common trait of titled nobilities throughout history — especially the most powerful and extractive ones. Russia under Catherine the Great extended serfdom to its greatest extent…and also granted immunity from taxation to the country’s nobles. The old Austro-Hungarian empire was kept very backwards by the Hungarian nobility’s exemption from taxation. And so forth.

And now, San Francisco’s activists propose to bring this…

Continue reading: You Don’t Want to Know What’s In San Francisco’s Reparations Proposal… – Revolver News

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