Wuhan Scientist Thrown Off Roof

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  • According to witnesses, a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientist by the name of Zhou Yusen was thrown to his death off the lab’s roof in May 2020, three months after he’d filed a patent for a COVID vaccine
  • The patent suggests Yusen had been working on the vaccine prior to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, which authorities have insisted was a previously unknown virus of zoonotic origin. The timing of the patent filing is further evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab
  • There’s also evidence linking SARS-CoV-2 to Chinese bioweapons research
  • WIV researchers also created a coronavirus far more lethal than SARS-CoV-2 — one with a 75% kill rate. This research was, in part, funded by EcoHealth grant money from the U.S. government
  • At least nine viruses related to SARS-CoV-2 were found in a Chinese mineshaft, but research for only one was published

Over the years, it’s become clear that science can be a very hazardous occupation. According to witnesses, a Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) scientist by the name of Zhou Yusen was thrown to his death off the lab’s roof in May 2020, just three months after he’d filed a patent for a COVID vaccine.

The timing of the patent filing is perhaps as curious as his death. According to some experts, the data included in the patent suggests he’d been working on the vaccine prior to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, which authorities have insisted was a previously unknown virus of zoonotic origin. According to a June 18, 2023, report by The Sun:1

“Zhou Yusen, 54, died in May 2020 while working for the People’s Liberation Army and alongside Wuhan scientists … including Shi Zhengli — dubbed ‘batwoman’ for her work on coronavirus in bats …

U.S. investigators have now revealed that Zhou may have had knowledge of the lab leak long before it was released to the world. Vaccination experts told investigators that it would have been ‘impossible’ to generate the data Zhou had in the patent for the vaccine unless he had been working on it for at least three months.

This could mean scientists in Wuhan were working on a COVID-19 vaccination in November, before news of the virus had left China. The first case of COVID was reported in Wuhan in December 2019 — but the World Health Organization did not declare a pandemic until March 11, 2020.

It means the vaccine patent was filed just a short time after China first admitted there was human-to-human transmission of COVID — and two weeks before a pandemic was officially declared.”

Basically, if Yusen worked on a COVID-19 vaccine no later than November 2019, that would further strengthen the claim that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab, and subsequently escaped from that lab. In addition to that, we also have new evidence linking SARS-CoV-2 to Chinese bioweapons research.

SARS-CoV-2 Linked to Bioweapons Research

According to an investigation2 by The Sunday Times’ Jonathan Calvert and George Arbuthnott published June 10, 2023, scientists at the WIV were working in close collaboration with the Chinese military to create a new mutant coronavirus shortly before the COVID pandemic began:

“Investigators who scrutinized top-secret intercepted communications and scientific research believe Chinese scientists were running a covert project of dangerous experiments, which caused a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and started the Covid-19 outbreak.

The U.S. investigators say one of the reasons there is no published information on the work is because it was done in collaboration with researchers from the Chinese military, which was funding it and which, they say, was pursuing bioweapons … [Our] new investigation paints the clearest picture yet of what happened in the Wuhan laboratory.”

According to Calvert and Arbuthnott, WIV researchers — and the Chinese military — obtained “cutting-edge virus manipulation techniques” from Ralph Baric, Ph.D., a leading U.S. coronavirus scientist. They also received funding for gain-of-function research from the U.S. government through the EcoHealth Alliance.

The weaponization of a SARS-like virus appears to have begun in 2016, after miners died from a SARS-like respiratory infection. Chinese researchers subsequently discovered two new coronaviruses in a mineshaft in Mojiang, one of which is the closest relative to SARS-CoV-2 found so far.

According to The Times, this event sparked off a classified bioweapons program under which SARS-CoV-2 was eventually developed. This would explain why WIV researchers were also working on a COVID vaccine well before the initial outbreak in Wuhan.

Super-Lethal Coronavirus May Still Exist in Wuhan Lab

Disturbingly, the evidence shows WIV researchers also created a coronavirus far more lethal than SARS-CoV-2 — one with a 75% kill rate — and this research was in part funded by EcoHealth grant money from the U.S. government.3 We can count ourselves lucky that this wasn’t the one that got out.

That specific virus — a fusion of two coronaviruses found in the Mojiang mineshaft called WIV1 and SHC014 — was also highly infectious early in the illness, virtually guaranteeing that an outbreak would be impossible to contain. Vaccines and drugs developed against SARS were also ineffective against this extraordinary virus.

While U.S. funding agencies knew about EcoHealth’s work on bat viruses, the Chinese military may have been running a secret parallel bioweapons project that not even EcoHealth’s president Peter Daszak, who worked closely with Shi, knew about. Calvert and Arbuthnott write:4

“The root of this project goes back to an incident that allegedly drew the attention of the Chinese military to the work of scientists in Wuhan. In 2012, the Wuhan institute’s researchers investigated an abandoned copper mine with a large bat colony in the Mojiang region of south China.

Six men clearing out bat guano there were struck down by a mystery illness that caused fever, coughs and pneumonia. All the men required hospital treatment and three died. Tests on the men for various illnesses came back negative but they tested positive for antibodies to an unknown coronavirus.

It has been possible, however, to piece together what happened from a master’s thesis by a medic at the hospital that treated the men and a PhD paper by a student of the director of the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.

The incident happened while the institute was working on EcoHealth’s Predict programme, which was aimed at finding this type of virus crossover between animals and humans. But the Wuhan institute withheld information about the mine deaths from EcoHealth and the U.S. government.”

At Least Nine Relatives of SARS-CoV-2 Exist

Shi and her team reportedly spent four years collecting bat samples from the…

Read the full story here…

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