Wonder why the FBI is targeting moms and dads? Radical teacher’s union calls parents “extremists” in new ad

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The following contains some content which is editorial in nature and expresses the personal views of the writer. 

NEW JERSEY- Let’s make this clear…by and large, rank and file teachers do a tremendous job, especially dealing with post-pandemic anxiety perpetrated in part by overzealous bureaucrats with their mask mandates, social distancing and other measures that did little if anything to “stop the spread.”

However, their unions?? Not so much.

A disturbing report comes out of New Jersey where Fox News reports the New Jersey chapter of the National Education Association, the largest teacher’s union in the country, posted an ad on YouTube whereby they refer to parents as extremists.

This is all for the “sin” of being advocates for their children and ensuring they are not being indoctrinated in Marxist and radical LGBTQ ideology.

The ad is clearly designed to portray teachers as heroes, with colorful images of teachers engaging with students, while those images are interspersed with black and white images of parents speaking out at school board meetings, advocating for their children.

The ad is really dystopian in nature and seeks to portray parents as a bunch of unhinged psychopaths. This is what our tax dollars are buying. Of course the union shut off comments on the video because clearly they don’t want to hear the truth.

“When extremists start attacking our schools, that’s not who we are,” the video ad says. “People who only want to fight to score political points should take that somewhere else.”

How rich. The teacher’s union talking about parents wanting to “score political points” when that is pretty much the only reason they exist.

How about parents just really care about their children and want to prevent radical teachers and their unions from brainwashing them to hate their country and question their gender? That type of “teaching” should be nowhere near America’s classrooms.

The ad comes as parents across the country have been seeking to get more involved in their children’s education. Much of this radical indoctrination became visible to parents while their children were engaged in remote learning, where parents got an up close and personal view of what their kids were being taught.

In some states, such as Virginia and Florida, Republican governors such as Glenn Youngkin and Ron DeSantis respectively have signed legislation which is aimed at giving parents backing to fight teaching of radical concepts such as critical race theory and gender theory, specifically those targeting our youngest and most vulnerable students.

The radical ad from the NEA caught the attention of some parents, who slammed the content referring to parents as “extremists.”

“Defaming parents as ‘extremists’ for standing up for their children is right out of Merrick Garland and Randi Weingarten’s playbook,” Laura Zoc, executive director of Building Education for Students Together told the Daily Caller.

“New Jersey’s parents deserve better than the NJEA (New Jersey Education Association) slander—standing up for your children is not a political point, it is a parent’s responsibility. The NJEA should be ashamed for pretending they care more about children than their parents,” she continued.

Of course in the case of New Jersey, they have the backing of that state’s governor in going after parents. According to Shore News Network, Murphy last week called on school districts to identify so-called “troubled” students.

It wasn’t defined specifically what the far-left governor meant by “troubled” students, but given the current state of Democrat Party ideology, it’s a fair assumption that Murphy was addressing “gender confused” students.

The bill Murphy signed would also create a secret “blacklist” of the students in order to identify those who might engage in school violence down the road.

Furthermore, the NJEA has urged teachers to submit reports about parents and/or community groups which have voiced concerns about school-related matters involving their children.

So here you have a chapter of the largest teacher’s union in the country threatening to sic Child Protective Services after parents who don’t go along with their radical ideology.

New Jersey State Sen. Ed Burr slammed the NJEA this past week:

“The NJEA is so afraid of parents that they’re resorting to KGB tactics to squash any effort in local communities to challenge the indoctrination of children in our schools,” said Durr. “If a parent or group of parents expresses concerns about curriculum, teaching materials, or age-inappropriate books in school libraries, the clear threat is that they’ll be reported to and attacked by the NJEA.”

According to the NJEA’s laughably named “Center for Honesty in Education,” they seek to “combat disinformation [aka anything that goes against their leftist agenda], regressive policies and dangerous rhetoric in school districts,” Shore News Network reported.

The center’s webpage includes a form that can be used to report “aggressive book banning, anti-inclusion activity, organized political groups, or any other problem you are facing.”

In other words, the NJEA seeks to dox parents who complain about perverted books that show graphic depictions of gay sex, books which have been found in some school libraries throughout the country.

In return, the NJEA says, it will provide tools which will seek to “discredit bad actors.”

Talk about Orwellian.

“It’ll have a chilling effect on free speech, public debate, and parental involvement in education when parents know the NJEA is running a de factor intelligence agency that’s using hundreds of thousands of teachers to monitor and report what they say,” Durr continued.

“It’s more proof that the NJEA is willing to do just about anything to further its efforts to erode parental rights, destroy family values, and indoctrinate our children with progressive ideologies.”

In July, the American Federation of Teachers commissioned a poll which found that 43% of Americans believe schools spend too much time focusing on gender identity, while a clearly radical 21% of respondents feel they don’t spend enough time on the subject.

AFT president Randi Weingarten, who earned a cool half a million dollars in 2021 while complaining about low teacher salaries, slammed conservatives who care about the indoctrination of our kids as “extremist,’ although in this context she was referring to politicians who represent their constituencies desires.

“While extremist politicians are trying to drive a wedge between parents and teachers by banning books, censoring curriculum, and politicizing public education, we’re focused on investing in public schools [and her wallet apparently] and the essential knowledge and skills students need,” the uber-radical Weingarten said in a mid-July speech, Fox News reported.


For more on radical teachers’ unions and their access to Democrats, we invite you to:


WASHINGTON, DC- Just remember…it’s “following the science”…and apparently the money.

According to Republican lawmakers in a newly released report, GOP members of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis tell us that teachers unions had “unprecedented access” in determining how COVID-19 guidelines were applied to schools, this coming after the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) donated millions of dollars to Democratic politicians in 2020, according to The Center Square.

The latest revelation should come as no surprise, since it was reported last year that teachers unions such as the AFT gave tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations to Democrats, which appears to have played a significant role in how “the science” was applied to reopening schools shuttered due to the virus.

“Teachers’ unions, including the AFT, donated more than $43 million to liberal groups and candidates during the 2020 election cycle,” the report read.

“The two largest unions—which both endorsed then-candidate Biden for president—have approximately 4.7 million members. [CDC Scientist] Dr. [Henry] Walke’s testimony to the Select Subcommittee shows the Biden administration rewarded their support with unprecedented access to the policymaking process for guidance on re-opening schools.”

Continuing, the report read:

“The Operational Strategy that was developed jointly by the CDC and AFT reflects the fact that the Biden Administration prioritized its political allies over the health and welfare of school-aged children,” it said.

“Director [Rochelle] Walensky downplayed the degree to which the CDC gave AFT access to the policymaking process. In fact, the CDC shared a draft with the AFT at least two weeks before finalizing the document and solicited the union’s feedback.”

Last year, AFT President Randi Weingarten defended the union’s collaboration with the CDC, complaining that she has an “obligation” to advocate for teachers.

The reopening of schools across the country, in primarily Democratic-run cities and/or states was delayed due mostly to pushback from teachers’ unions, which delayed for school reopening’s while calling for stringent (and costly) vaccination, masking, and infrastructure requirements. In some cases, they demanded the complete upgrading of ventilation systems in school facilities, which would have been a costly exercise.

By browbeating politicians not to open schools, the actions had the “unintended” consequences of students falling behind academically, while many developed mental health issues, the report alleges.

“Research also shows that school closures affected students in other ways,” the report continued.

“According to McKinsey, parents whose children have fallen significantly behind academically are one-third more likely to say they are ‘very or extremely concerned’ about their children’s mental health. Black and Hispanic parents are seven to nine percentage points more likely than white parents to report higher levels of concern.”

But remember, Democrats are the party that “cares about children,” or so they say.

The new report follows on the heels of a recent development where the CDC removed some 24% of pediatric COVID-19 deaths it had initially recorded, referring to it as an “error.”

That caused the CDC to come under intense fire primarily by conservatives, who had long thought the CDC had inflated at least some of the COVID numbers. Those inflated totals were used as a basis to justify draconian school masking and shutdown policies across the country.

“The effects of the Biden Administration’s politicization of the CDC have been felt most acutely by students from historically disadvantaged backgrounds, including those attending majority-black or low-income schools, according to a July 2021 report by McKinsey and Co.,” the report said.

“At the end of the 2020-21 school year, most students were about for to five months behind in math and reading levels.”

In light of the recent report, Republicans are now calling for an investigation of the CDC and the Biden administration.

“Because lawyers for the Biden Administration prevented a key witness from explaining why the CDC allowed AFT to write key portions of its guidance for re-opening schools, there are still several unanswered questions,” the report said.

“This matter should be investigated further. America’s children are suffering, academically and mentally, because of the choices of liberal local and state officials. Republicans will not rest until we have rectified the harms perpetrated against children in America.”


For our report from last year about teacher’s unions and the CDC working in concert with one another, we invite you to:


WASHINGTON, DC- “Follow the science!” we’re told. That is why in many areas of the country, school-age children are still being forced to learn from home, away from friends and from the social environment that being with their peers allows.

The only problem is, the science says that children should be back in school, doing in-person learning.

Now, we are finding out why schools remained closed earlier this year, and science had absolutely nothing to do with it.

According to The Blaze, newly uncovered emails provided to the New York Post show that one of the two most powerful teachers unions in the country, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) successfully lobbied the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from recommending earlier this year that schools reopen for in-person learning, so teachers could actually do what they’re being paid to do.

Of course, as one of the major donors to Democratic Party candidates, having donated some $20 million to Democrats in 2020, there is also the issue of hapless Biden-appointed CDC Director Rochelle Walensky insisting the guidance issued by that agency was “free from political meddling.”

To quote old Slick Willy Clinton, we suppose it depends on “what your definition of” political meddling is.

While some schools in the country, in red states such as Florida and others have largely remained open for the past year, the nation’s largest school districts, in particular New York, Los Angeles and Chicago have resisted efforts to return to in-person learning, backed by the AFT as well as the largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA).

According to the New York Post, there was a “flurry of activity between CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, her top advisors and union officials—with Biden brass being looped in at the White House—in the days before the highly-anticipated Feb. 12 announcement on school-reopening guidelines.”

One email, dated Feb 1 referred to the AFT as a CDC “thought partner” was sent from AFT’s senior director for health issues, Kelly Trautner. She wrote:

“Thank you for Friday’s rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance and for your openness to the suggestions made by our president, Randi Weingarten, and the AFT.

“We were able to review a copy of the draft guidance document over the weekend and were able to provide some initial feedback to several staff this morning about possible ways to strengthen the document.

“…we believe our experiences on the ground can inform and enrich thinking around what is practicable and prudent in future guidance documents.”

Subsequently, in another email sent two days later, Trautner thanked Walensky for her “commitment (sic) to partnership” and Walensky’s “genuine desire to earn our confidence.” Four days later, Feb. 7, emails seemed to indicate that a phone conversation had also taken place between Walensky and Weingarten.

So the “lack of political meddling” apparently paid off when the CDC released its guidance on Feb. 12 for in-person learning in schools, which included suggestions from the AFT almost verbatim, The Blaze reported.

From the Post:

With the CDC preparing to write that schools could provide in-person instruction regardless of community spread of the virus, Trautner argued for the inclusion of a line reading “In the event of high community-transmission results from a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, a new update of these guidelines may be necessary.” That language appeared on page 22 of the final CDC guidance.

The AFT also demanded special remote work concessions for teachers “who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for…COVID-19,” and that similar arrangements should extend to “staff who have a household member” with similar risks. A lengthy provision for that made it into the text of the final guidance.

Despite Walensky’s claim of no “political meddling,” the CDC as well as the AFT defended their collusion on the final guidance.

“As part of long-standing best practices, CDC has traditionally engaged with organizations and groups that are impacted by guidance and recommendations issued by the agency.

We do so to ensure our recommendations are feasible to implement and they adequately address the safety and wellbeing of individuals the guidance is aimed to protect.

These informative and helpful interactions often result in beneficial feedback that we consider in our final revisions to ensure clarity and usability,” a spokesman for Walensky said.

Meantime, a spokesman for AFT, Oriana Korin told the Post the AFT also worked with the Trump administration. This folks is called deflection.

“The AFT represents 1.7 million educators, healthcare professionals and public employees who spent the last 14 months serving on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.

So naturally, we have been in regular touch with the agencies setting policy that affect their work and lives, including the CDC,” Korin said.

“Front lines?” Their definition of “front lines” has as much credibility as Walensky’s definition of “political meddling.” None.

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