Woke Child-Mutilating Elites Will Throw DeSantis Fundraiser in D.C.

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Last Updated on June 19, 2023

The DeSantis hypocrisy tour marches on, this time to an elite fundraiser in Washington D.C., hosted by woke Marc Lampkin. It is important to note that host committee members must raise $50,000 for the DeSantis campaign. Lampkin is a proud Bush supporter and works as one of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s top lobbyists. Lampkin has lobbied for child puberty blockers and big pharma. The fundraiser is scheduled to take place at the Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck Hyatt office.

Lampkin’s work for Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck had him lobbying for Abbvie INC, a company that makes puberty blockers for children. Lampkin also lobbied for Moderna.

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s website proudly lists Lampkin’s work for John Boehner and George Bush, “On the Hill, Marc is well-respected for his role as a member of House Speaker John A. Boehner’s (R-OH) “Team Boehner,” a team of high-level strategic advisers that worked closely with Speaker Boehner and other Republican members. His relationship with Speaker Boehner goes back to 1995 when Marc served as General Counsel for the House Republican Conference under then-Chairman Boehner for three years. In addition to his time on the Hill, Marc served in a variety of roles from 1999 to 2001 with the Bush for President Campaign.”

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck’s website also states that the company has a strong commitment to equality and pride, “proving our dedication to hiring LGBTQ+, female lawyers, attorneys of color and those with disabilities. And it’s why we earned a perfect score of 100 percent from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation three consecutive years on the Corporate Equality Index beginning in 2020. For us, diversity is more than lip service. It’s a firmwide mindset that guides our culture, reflects our core values and makes us better in every possible way.”

NationalFile reported Team DeSantis embraced the endorsement of Nevada Governor Joe Lombardo despite the fact that Lombardo signed a law forcing health insurance companies to pay for child mutilation.  Ron DeSantis is following the Paul Ryan playbook to a T.


Source: Woke Child-Mutilating Elites Will Throw DeSantis Fundraiser in D.C. – National File

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