With Five Month Booster Shots Discussed By Fauci, Children Born Today Could Be Vaccinated 175 Times Against COVID

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This week Joe Biden confirmed that he is in talks with Dr. Anthony Fauci about suggesting booster shots of the controversial Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine every five months. Originally, Americans were told two shots would be all that is required, then annual boosters, then 8 month boosters, then six month boosters, and now five month boosters.

Assuming the Pfizer vaccine is never cleared for children younger than 12, this would mean children born today could receive 175 shots aimed at vaccinating them against COVID-19 over the course of an average lifespan.

In a press conference yesterday, Joe Biden discussed booster shots. “The question raised is should it be shorter than 8 months? Should it be as little as five months? That’s being discussed, I spoke with, uh, Dr. Fauci this morning,” said Biden.

Assuming the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is never approved for children younger than 12, this would mean a…

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