Why Was Pfizer Experimenting With Our Children?

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The COVID vaccine trial was meant for Adults only, yet during the trial, and even after the start of the roll-out, children and infants were being given the adult unapproved dose of the vaccine.

If you thought that severe adverse events were worse than expected from a ‘vaccine’  that was supposed to be ‘safe and effective’, protecting us from the rapidly mutating Wuhan virus, how much worse is it to discover that children and infants received the shot before it had been tested in their age group.

Bear in mind that children rarely catch COVID and even more rarely do they die from it, usually shrugging the illness off, just like a common cold.

And yet, a vaccine was given to 34 children in the first 90 days of the roll-out of the shots, producing a total of 134 recorded adverse events. This was revealed through the Pfizer Post Marketing Experience 5.3.6 document, made available along with 55,000 others thanks to the work of Del Bigtree and ICAN, through the law-fare of Aaron Siri.

Thanks to the release of these documents, which slowly dropped over the last 11 months, we can now see what was available to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and their vaccine committees: the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) and the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), that they tried to remain sealed for 75 years.

The evidence for their crimes has been mounting as many groups have been analyzing the documents, writing reports, and producing lawsuits including, but not limited to, the Children’s Health Defence, Highwire, and Steve Kirsch’s Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VRSF).

Among these groups is the War Room/Daily Clout Pfizer Document Analysis teams, to which I belong, brought together by Dr. Naomi Wolf after a call for volunteers on Steve Bannon’s War Room show. There are more than 3500 volunteers, comprising approximately 3,250 physicians, academics, nurses, clinical trials specialists, pharmacists, and forensic accountants, sifting through each document as they are released.

We are already well over…

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