Why Covidism is more dangerous than Communism – Investment Watch

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By Chris Black

With one notable exception, the two scourges resemble each other like two drops of blood.

 The Great Reset is a colossal plan that seeks to fundamentally change the world. The promoters of the Great Reset – theorists, political leaders, business leaders and activists – call for the use of the COVID pandemic as an opportunity to bring about this global revolution.

Thus, the health crisis is ideologized. Politically charged. COVID becomes Covidism. There are many similarities between Covidism and Communism.

Both aspire to establish a New World Order, presented as Heaven on Earth.

Covidism, like communism, dreams of creating a New Man to rule the New World.

Although both ideologies monkey Creationism, they repudiate any transcendent relationship and revelation. God does not exist. The Old Man, having as parents Darwin and the Primordial Soup, recreates himself, in an improved version, turning into a New Man.

Through this process of self-renewal, he also restores the surrounding world, degraded by the Old Man. Scientific materialism is the tutelary principle of covidism, just like in communism. Science is the only certainty. God is only a delusion, an idyllic and old-fashioned construct. Religion has been decreed the opium of the masses and must remain so.

The emancipated and advanced “caste”, the first to be penetrated by these luminous ideas, forms the elite that assumes the mission of creating the New Man and the New World; the NWO Nomenclature so to speak.

Because of his original sin, the New Man and the New World cannot be born without pain. This determines the Old Man’s natural tendency to oppose the new system. To struggle it.  To protest it.

The elites – yesterday’s communist and today’s covidist – must not be impressed. The doctor is the only one who knows what treatment must be applied to heal the world. Tikkun Olam. Even if it hurts.

The treatment must be applied even against the will of the sick Old Man. The greater the suffering, the more it is a sign that the treatment is taking effect.

Just like religion, democracy is also proving to be outdated. It is absurd for a primitive  Old Man to have the same decision-making power as a New Man, from the enlightened elite.

Therefore, the Old Man delegates to the New Man the political power until the end of the Revolution-Reset. When there will be only New People on the face of the Earth, then equality will be restored naturally.

The Old Man is linked to the forms of the past: family, homeland, church. He clings to them reflexively, like a newborn clutching his mother’s finger with his small fists. These shadows of the past must disappear. The connection with them must be destroyed. The New Man must be entrusted to a Surrogate Mother with a high civic conscience. This is the new Elite.

The New Man, without family, country, church, loves the whole Earth…

Read the full story here: Why Covidism is more dangerous than Communism – Investment Watch

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