WHO scientist could reportedly face DEATH PENALTY for attacking ivermectin and withholding effective treatment from patients

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(Natural News) In India, an India Bar Association’s (IBA) lawsuit against World Health Organization (WHO) Chief Scientist of India Soumya Swaminathan continues to move forward, charging her with murder and other crimes that could result in life imprisonment or even the death penalty.

If you missed it, Swaminathan was served with a lawsuit back in May for her contributions to dissuading the use of ivermectin in the treatment of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

Swaminathan is accused of lying about ivermectin in an effort to keep it out of the hands of sick people. The IBA says Swaminathan’s words and behavior concerning ivermectin were “extremely unreasonable,” describing them as “having another purpose” besides trying to help people.

The IBA is calling for the invocation of articles 302, 304 (paragraph 2), and 88 of the Indian Penal Code against Swaminathan. Should she be convicted, Swaminathan could be put to death for her alleged crimes.

On May 25, the IBA issued a statement accusing Swaminathan of “initiating a false propaganda campaign against ivermectin” and “inducing the public to refuse to use ivermectin” to treat the Chinese Virus.

About two weeks prior to the suit, India’s Health Ministry approved an ivermectin-based Fauci Flu treatment regimen that recommended all residents 18 years of age and older take five ivermectin tablets daily. The stated purpose for this was to keep people from developing potentially fatal high fevers.

After the Health Ministry introduced the new policy, Swaminathan freaked out and issued a statement on behalf of the WHO claiming that the United Nations “public health” arm does not recommend the use of ivermectin in the treatment of Chinese Germs.

WHO’s “essential medications” list includes ivermectin…

As it turns out, Swaminathan’s claim is false. The WHO actually does recommend the use of ivermectin in its “essential medications” list. The inventors of ivermectin were also awarded…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] WHO scientist could reportedly face DEATH PENALTY for attacking ivermectin and withholding effective treatment from patients – NaturalNews.com

FACT CHECK: Ivermectin is on WHO list of “essential medicines”

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