WHO is this guy? World Health chief goes it alone on monkeypox ’emergency’

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Apparently, monkeypox now is an “emergency” for the world.

That’s after World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus over the weekend claimed to have broken a 9-6 tie with his decision to give the outbreak that status.

According to a report from Breitbart, it’s just the latest round of controversy involving Tedros.

He is, the report explained, “the first W.H.O. director-general who is not a medical doctor and rose to the position after being accused of helping cover up multiple outbreaks of cholera in his native Ethiopia, where he served as foreign affairs minister and health minister under the now-outlawed Marxist party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF).”

Further, the report said, “Tedros has faced an array of criticism for not reacting sufficiently quickly to an outbreak of Ebola in Africa under his watch and, more prominently, for failing to declare the spread of Chinese coronavirus a global emergency, and later a pandemic, in a timely manner.”

So his “unprecedented” move over the weekend to declare monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern,” is being seen with skepticism by many.

Critics say he overreacted, especially as multiple members of a special advisory committee found the problem “did not yet rise to the title of global emergency.”

In fact, nine members opposed the labeling.

“Reuters bizarrely described Tedros overriding the panel to declare a global emergency a ‘tie-breaker,’ despite nine versus six not being a tie. Tedros himself described the situation as such, claiming he ‘had to act as a tie-breaker’ on Saturday — revealing the news wire as a mere stenographer to his spin,” Breitbart reported.

Science magazine reported the panel met for seven hours, with the majority rejecting a declaration of an emergency, because the disease “had caused few deaths so far and was not spreading in the general population.”

“According to Rosamund Lewis, the W.H.O.’s top monkeypox expert, 99 percent of individuals diagnosed with monkeypox outside of Africa were men and 98 percent of those were men who have sex with men,” Breitbart confirmed.

But Tedros insisted his decision was correct, because the committee “was unable to reach a consensus on whether the outbreak represents a public health emergency of international concern.”

He said it isn’t significant that the disease wasn’t spreading widely among a generalized population.

Breitbart added the background: “Tedros’ decision on monkeypox is the latest in a career littered with controversies and accusations of disregarding medical experts – a particularly grave transgression in light of the fact that Tedros was a career politician in Ethiopia prior to his ascent at the agency and not a medical doctor. In 2017, when running for the position of director-general, the far-left newspaper New York Times detailed accusations against Tedros of having covered up at least three cholera outbreaks in Ethiopia by simply refusing to formally diagnose individuals suffering from clear cholera symptoms with the disease.”

Tedros also was criticized over an Ebola outbreak, and he claimed, early in the pandemic created by the Wuhan COVID-19 virus that came out of China, that there was “no clear evidence” that it was spreading human to human, when it fact it already was on a rampage.

Source: WHO is this guy? World Health chief goes it alone on monkeypox ’emergency’

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