WHO And WEF Elitists Coordinate The ‘Great Reset’

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WEF in Davos kicks off with “The future is not just happening. The future is BUILT, by US. By a powerful community, as you here, in this room.”  The overinflated ego of Technocrats and Transhumans is beyond description, but if these madmen are not stopped, the world as we know it is over. This didn’t just happen overnight. In 1992, the UN’s UNCED conference in Rio DeJaneiro produced Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy. When two participants, Finger and Chatterjee, wrote The Earth Brokers in 1994, they stated:

“We argue that UNCED [the UN’s Agenda 21 conference has boosted precisely the type of industrial development [Technocracy] that is destructive for the environment, the planet, and its inhabitants. We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”

This is EXACTLY what has happened during the last 30 years! Worse, the vehicle has no brakes and continues to accelerate. ⁃ TN Editor


> Each year, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend a week in Davos, Switzerland, discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world

> They believe the future is theirs to create. They believe they, the attendees in that room, have all the power. And, by extension, they think that the rest of the world, those unfit to wear a Davos Forum badge, have no say in the matter

> Among their plans is to track your carbon footprint. They want to track where you travel, how you travel, what you eat and any other resources you might use in your day-to-day life

> To start, individual carbon footprint tracking will be sold to you as a way for you to be a responsible citizen and track your own carbon footprint. In time, your carbon footprint will be part and parcel of your social credit score, and used to place restrictions on your way of life

> They also openly admit that their plans will cause pain for the populace. We have to expect shortages of food and energy, for example, because they’ve decided societal changes need to occur faster than what the “green” technology sector can keep up with

Each year, the world’s elite hop into their private jets and descend upon Davos, Switzerland, the location of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual Davos Forum. Here, the self-proclaimed ruling class spend the week discussing their visions of the future and how to impose their ambitions on the rest of the world.1

As explained by Fox News anchor Jesse Watters, participants are divided into clear classes even there. Not only must you receive a personal invitation to attend, but once you’re there, your name badge will clearly illustrate which “elite class” or “subclass” you belong to.

If you’re a sufficiently wealthy VIP, you get a white badge with a blue line. If you’re married to a VIP, you get a plain white badge. If you’re just part of someone’s entourage, you get a green badge (wouldn’t want the true elite braintrust WEF’s planners and strategists — to accidentally mingle with and swap ideas with the servants).

The Future Is To Be Built by Them, Not Us…

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