WHISTLEBLOWER: Medical device sales expert reveals “morbidly unsuccessful” Covid VENTILATORS as “deadly therapy”

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(Natural News) Mr. Chambers of Los Angeles, a medical equipment expert and salesperson with 50 years experience, which includes selling ventilators to hospitals for Covid patients, is done staying quiet about this pandemic of deaths caused by the mechanical ventilators, so he’s blowing the whistle.

You don’t have to be famous, or a scientist or doctor to let the world know the awful truth about something dangerous that the medical industry claims is working. Western medicine, after all, is wrought with fraud through and through, but this whistleblower explains in great detail exactly why very few Covid patients survive the ultimate choke machine, and this information needs to go viral, soon.

First off, Covid-19 viral infection causes severe inflammation in the lungs, making the soft tissue even more vulnerable to damage. Those receiving Covid vaccines are compounding that health detriment by introducing billions of sticky spike proteins into their bloodstream, which can also damage soft lung tissue (pleura) and the respiratory tract protective tissue (epithelium), causing MORE damage and MORE inflammation. Then, Covid patients are sedated, and in goes the plastic endotracheal tube that gets shoved down the windpipe (it’s called intubation). Most ventilator victims should prepare for death within 3 weeks at this point.

Lung tissue inflammation compounded by Covid vaccines and plastic breathing tubes responsible for…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] WHISTLEBLOWER: Medical device sales expert reveals “morbidly unsuccessful” Covid VENTILATORS as “deadly therapy” in this population reduction scamdemic – NaturalNews.com

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