While Americans are being Deceived or Asleep, the Country is Being Stolen

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Biden promised full transparency and accessibility in his administration. Yet, there is zero transparency or accessibility to this president. Every time Biden opens his mouth, he puts two feet in it, and his White House handlers have to clean up the mess, either by re-interpreting what he said or by lying even more. The dishonesty exhibited by Biden, his administration, and Democrats is so obscene that only diehard supporters believe them at this juncture.

Unlike Trumps’ openness and full engagement with reporters and the media, to minimize Biden’s gaffes, his handlers, as he asserted on numerous occasions, would not allow reporters to ask him questions, thus keeping the American people ill-informed or uninformed at all times. Let me now share what your criminally negligent fake news media are not bringing to your attention.

The Dollar Collapse

With tremendous but duplicitous fanfare, Biden foolishly declared severe economic sanctions against Russia because of her invasion of Ukraine, thus putting the whole world on notice that the USA, because of the dollar’s dominance, can dictate the world financial order with impunity.

This has caused a domino effect that will impact Americans and the USA very badly since the Chinese want the yuan to be the currency of financial deals, and now Russia insists on being paid in gold or ruble. The value of dollars will keep falling as more and more countries will pay by other means.

Food shortages

Considering how interconnected the world has been for the last few decades, in his rush to pretend to be the leading crusader against Russia, neither Biden, his advisors, nor the EU thought out the “Butterfly Effect” of such hasty decisions.

The primary and most sensible objective of every government policy, foreign and domestic, should be designed to secure, above all, adequate reserves of food, energy, and water for their people, to avoid catastrophic social upheavals.

Sanctions against Russia are impacting not only the dollar but also worldwide food shortages and price increases, which will affect primarily poor countries in the very near future. Food shortages invariably lead to social cataclysms and violence as dangerous as when energy fails to heat homes.

Russia and Ukraine account for more than a quarter of the international wheat trade, about a fifth of corn, and 12% of all calories traded globally.

Russia provides massive quantities of ammonia and fertilizers to the world. Any problem with the chain of deliveries, the dollar collapsing, and price increases will cause enormous difficulties to the world food chain, even in the USA and Europe. No country will be immune.

Fuel Shortages

It should be evident to every clear-thinking American ⏤ that Biden’s actions against Russia affect US energy prices in the worst way possible. While he allowed Russia to operate their gas line to Europe, he closed oil and gas explorations and extractions in the USA, thus endangering both the USA and Europe by allowing Russia to dictate not only prices of energy but also the ability to shut them off at will.

To reduce the fuel price in the USA, Biden will be foolishly using 180,000,000 barrels of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve which should be used only in case of war, to fuel her military machine in self-defense. It was never meant to be used to reduce the fuel price at the pump.

He had already depleted this reserve by 30,000,000 barrels, thus reducing the reserve by a very dangerous 33%. As I have repeatedly pointed out, Biden is totally loyal to the anti-American leftist fringe of the Democrat Party and has absolutely no concern for the USA or for “We the People.”

He can easily resolve the fuel issues by allowing Americans to use their own ingenuity and natural wealth by making the USA self-sufficient once again, just as it was under Donald Trump only 14 months ago.

Even if he used all of her reserves, the total reduction at the pump would only be a few cents for a short period of time. Under the delusional Democrats, the USA will remain hostage to the OPEC Cartel and all its enemies in the long run.

Oligarchs Hypocrisy

Biden and the EU leaders’ grandstanding regarding sanctioning Russian Oligarchs reeks of obscene degrees of hypocrisy and mendacity. These slimy politicians are even more guilty than the Oligarchs because without them aiding and abetting the Oligarchs for the last thirty years, these investments would not have occurred.

After all, the Soviet Union collapsed in 1989, and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of assets were and continued to be plundered for over three decades until a few months ago, with the full knowledge of all the same American and European leaders who welcomed and milked them copiously.

These Oligarchs invested hundreds of billions of dollars in businesses, purchasing yachts, palaces, sports, technologies, industries, pharmaceuticals, properties, and hundreds of millions of dollars in legal fees to the foremost law firms in the West and lobbyists.

These staggering pilfered monies were laundered through an intricate network of mutually advantageous Western and Russian banks, companies, and agencies.

It is, of course, impossible that the British, French, German, American, and other European leaders had no idea where the hundreds of billions of wealth that the Oligarchs were investing came from. They all knew exactly what was happening, but they kept their mouths shut and their eyes closed because they made millions.

Most of the Western leaders who are ⏤ suddenly pretending to be ‘holier than thou,’ as if they have just now woken up to the enormity of the criminality of the Oligarchs, were beneficiaries of this criminality.

Are not Biden, his son Hunter and Hillary Clinton in the crosshairs of corruption and or criminal investigations? Are they morally and or ethically better than the Oligarchs? Of course not.

China’s Territorial Expansions

While Biden and his ‘woke’ military leaders are contemplating how to incorporate Transgender, Lesbians, Homosexuals, and Transvestites into the military, China is militarizing several of the Solomon Islands through mutual agreements.

While Biden and his clueless military stooges are only pontificating and spouting hot air threats, the Chinese are creating physical realities that are detrimental to the US and her allies in the Pacific. They have already turned what was a small insignificant atoll into a first-class air force and naval base.

They are taking over, at will, disputed islands claimed by Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines, and others, and appropriating them to China.

The USA should do so similarly but more ethically by leasing such disputed islands from the above-named countries and make them US administered territories. To do so, wisdom, foresight, and will, are necessary, all of which are lacking in this administration.

USA Betraying Allies

Biden: “Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belong to his neighbors?”

I am now asking the same question from Biden and Blinken: “Who in God’s name gives the USA the right to decide the future political and territorial boundaries of the State of Israel?”

Since Biden is invoking the name of the Lord, how dare he ignore the Biblical history of Israel? Where in the Bible, or anywhere in the history of the Middle East for the last 6000 years before 1964, can anyone find a state called Palestine and its people Palestinians?

For 72 years, billions of dollars were wasted on the ‘Arab refugees from Mandated Palestine’ because, after 72 years, these dysfunctional people only created a terrorist entity. After all, since the 1970s, Palestinian acts of terror against civil aviation have caused over 100,000,000,000 passengers to suffer humiliation and delays in airports to be able to fly. These exclude the hundreds of billions in costs to every nation on Earth to monitor them. No one ever mentions this FACT.

It was ‘Palestinian’ terrorists who murdered in cold blood ⏤ American citizens captured during some of the hijacks. But, according to Biden, all is forgiven so that the impossible and unrealistic Two States solution can be achieved.

Biden thinks the Arab-Israeli conflict is over territory when in reality, this conflict is purely about religion; Islamic beliefs.

Anthony Blinken is meeting in Israel with the very people he and Biden are betraying through their insane Nuclear agreement with the terrorist theocratic Ayatollahs regime of Iran.

There is not a single advantage to the USA with this incredibly one-sided insane agreement. In reality, it is opposed by Israel and all the Arab countries in the area, who have close ties to the USA. Their betrayal is egregious and will hurt the USA politically and economically in the near and long term future.

Due to the mainstream media and tech oligarchs, Americans are and will continue to be ill-informed.

Source: While Americans are being Deceived or Asleep, the Country is Being Stolen – America Out Loud

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