What you need to know about Johnson & Johnson’s COVID Vaccine

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I came across this very informative article on Johnson & Johnson/Jansen Covid jab experimental injections (aka vaccine) today. It was published on April 1, 2021. It is full of facts directly from the company with links and available to anybody who cares enough to actual read it. These are the facts, not guess work or speculation.


– The Johnson & Johnson vector-based vaccine is made using genetically engineered adenovirus and genetically modified human fetal cells.

– Previous attempts at adenovirus-vector vaccines have been abandoned 3 and 4 years into clinical trials.

– The calculated effectiveness of the vaccine to prevent moderate to severe COVID in high risk groups is low.

– One-third of vaccine recipients aged 60 or over experienced “Grade 3” pain which prompted the use of prescription pain killers or prevented daily activities. Nearly half experienced systemic effects (headache, nausea/vomiting, myalgia, fever, etc.).

– An increased risk of blood clots may be a concern with this vaccine.

– Johnson & Johnson has a long history of criminal convictions, repeatedly for knowingly putting the public at risk of harm from their products.

Johnson & Johnson / Janssen COVID Vaccine INGREDIENTS…


Read the full article here: https://everlyreport.com/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-johnson-johnson-covid-vaccine/.

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