What Happened to their Babies?

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Out of 4,526 Babies and Toddlers, Less than 1 out of 3 Made it to the 2-Month Follow-up Visit in Pfizer’s mRNA Nanoparticle Injection Trials. In a 344 subgroup, 3 babies made it to the 1m study visit.

June 18, 2023: In July of 2022 I began reporting on my analysis of Pfizer’s Phase-3 trial data of babies and toddlers from the ages of 6 months to 4 years old. If you have ever seen my report on this data, I typically get teared-up and sometimes need to stop recording. I don’t understand how a human being with a soul could have carried out these criminal experiments on babies and toddlers.

All the babies and toddlers were injected with mRNA nanoparticles BNT162b2 unless the parents of the ‘placebo group’ figured out that the trial was essentially infanticide and withdrew their baby or toddler before they were injected with mRNA nanoparticles BNT162b2. More than 1 out of 3 babies and toddlers never made it to the end of Pfizer’s pediatric trials.

Pfizer stated on November 20, 2020, that the risk-benefit ratio of mRNA vaccines was not favorable (unfavorable) for children based on data from 100 children 12 to 15 years old from the Phase-3 trial, they moved forward with clinical trials and emergency use authorization in pediatric populations, placing children and infants at unnecessary risk for disease, disabilities and death.

Pfizer Knowingly Placed Children at Unnecessary Risk for Disease and Death…


Continue reading full story: What Happened to their Babies? – by Karen Kingston

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