West Point Cadets Are Being Threatened With Solitary Confinement If They Refuse COVID Vaccination

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In their efforts to force all cadets to take the risky shot, the United States Military Academy at West Point is attempting to coerce cadets with some brow-raising punishment. The tactics they are using to ensure compliance include solitary confinement, separation from the academy, and denying them essential training opportunities.

Initially, some 700 cadets resisted taking the shot, despite relentless pressure from military officials at the institution. That number is down to around 100 who have yet to “comply”.

Parents of those holdouts have organized and obtained legal counsel on behalf of their children. CDMedia reports that the parents are “banding together to fight this perceived criminal behavior by those in power over their children”

Evidence has shown that young healthy people have little to no chance of dying from Covid19, nor of becoming seriously ill from it. It is perplexing then, that our elected officials and others seem determined to force the non-tested, possibly dangerous vaccine on them.

Dr. Peter McCullough put out this warning: All Covid-19 vaccines produce the dangerous Wuhan spike protein [Listen]

Listen and read full story here.


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