Website allows you to see who is in the pocket of big pharma and who is not

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You can enter the name of any medical doctor and see how much money he/she has received from the pharmaceutical industry in any given year, thanks to The Sunshine Act that requires yearly disclosure.

This will tell you if your doctor is in the pocket of Big Pharma!

It reveals who is compromised and who is not.

About Open Payments

Open Payments is a national transparency program that collects and publishes information about financial relationships between the health care industry (i.e. drug and device companies) and providers (i.e. physicians and teaching hospitals). These relationships may involve payments to providers for things such as research, meals, travel, gifts, or speaking fees. One of the ways that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provides data to the public is through this search tool, which allows the public to search for physicians and teaching hospitals receiving payments, as well as companies that have made payments.

The purpose of the program is to provide the public with a more transparent healthcare system. All information available on the Open Payments database is open to personal interpretation and if there are questions about the data, healthcare consumers should speak directly to the healthcare provider for a better understanding. More information about the program can be found at

There you can get an overview of the data that is collected and displayed and learn more about what is included in the data. For other Open Payments related questions, contact the Open Payments team at

Search for payments made by drug and medical device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. Check it out here.

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Marylin Forbes
Marylin Forbes
2 years ago

Thank you for an interesting site. Is there anyway I can check the Australian Pharma/medics relationship on payments? And if subterfuge in the TGA and governments?

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