More than 100 Washington State Patrol employees FIRED for not getting vaxxed

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Olympia, WA – Monday was the deadline for state employees to provide proof of vaccination or receive approved exemption and accommodations for religious or medical accommodations or face separation from employment.

As of the end-of-business on Monday, 127 people have been let go from employment due to the mandate. 53 civil servants and 74 commissioned officers (67 troopers, 6 sergeants, and 1 captain) have, for varying reasons and in varying ways, left the job.

WSP Chief John R Batiste commented, “We will miss every one of them. I extend a hardy thanks to those who are leaving the agency. I truly wish that you were staying with us. You have my utmost appreciation for the hard and successful work that you have provided during your valued WSP careers. You will forever have our respect for your courage and your commitment in all you have done on behalf of the agency.”

WSP has approximately 2,200 personnel in 8 districts and multiple geographic detachments and operational divisions. The departures are spread across the state impacting some areas differently than others. Agency and division leadership have been working with the Contingency Planning Team since the days immediately after the mandate’s announcement.

As the agency moves through the next several days, leaders will gauge the immediate actual impact for short-term mitigation. In that time, the agency will move resources where necessary and specific personnel losses demand adjustment. In the mid and long term, WSP will continue its ongoing efficiency reviews and vigorous recruiting that will fill three new academy classes in the months to come. On the civilian side, the agency will make similar adjustments and look to fill vacancies with the best candidates possible as soon as possible.

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] “We will miss every one of them.” More than 100 Washington State Patrol employees FIRED for not getting vaxxed – Breaking911

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