We have a pandemic of marburg and ebola lasting til at least December 31, 2028…

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If you didn’t know this, the link below is to the most recent PREP Act declaration extending the marburg pandemic to 2028! Marburg is allegedly the deadliest “virus” out there.

PREP Act for Marburg and Ebola Extended to Dec 31, 2028

The declaration is written for a “potential” ebola or marburg “outbreak”, and includes all diseases and conditions caused by these viruses or anything under the sun, and also anything mutated therefrom. It’s extended to December 2028:

It’s emergency, potential emergency, emergency mutated from those other emergencies, any result of the actions we took to induce these emergencies, any actions for mitigating what we induced, and, just for the sake of completeness: smallpox, anthrax, influenza, radiation syndrome, covid-19 (yawn)…. you get the idea.

If you have not seen any evidence of deadly “pathogen” causing “outbreaks”, do not worry – Denver Health officials are working on generating “sentinel” cases by injecting ebola “vaccines” (which are covered countermeasures, so nobody is responsible for anything!)

And Texas Biomedical Research Institute is testing, you guessed it – marburg vaccine! This poison was already “tested” in Texas and will be now going to Africa:


This is a tried and true script, perfected by Michael Callaghan and his CIA buddies in Africa many times, and predictively programmed into everyone’s brains by Hollywood.

Are you going to fall for it again?

PS. I previously wrote about Marburg, which is not a virus, but likely a really bad toxin. It was used in several biolabs in the 60’s, allegedly it was an accident, but who knows. It could have been a live human “test”.


Source: We have a pandemic of marburg and ebola lasting to at least December 31, 2028.

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