Parallels Between Government Lies & Loss Of Constitution

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Some of the lies and distortions committed by our “public servants” are as follows, and most if not all of the government corruption that is part and parcel of the lies, are denials of the science that Democrats like to throw in our faces every day:

Warming Change: There is absolutely no science behind the warming/change hysteria coming from our ruling class that would convince a thinking person that the planet is warming because an affluent world is living well. It has now been two years since the completely stupid AOC and the insane Bernie Sanders claimed that we were twelve years from total destruction from the every-increasing heat wave pounding our world into a toasted dough ball. Last summer the temperature all over the globe was about the same as it was prior to when the leftist idiots warned us of the twelve-year limit of life on earth.

Covid: With the coming of the covid disease, Democrats discovered a devious tool that they are going to use forever to shut up anyone who disagrees with any of their radical policies. With covid they experimented with masking and national shutdowns, which they will never halt as long as they can claim that one person is infected with the disease. It’s for the benefit of the nation, they tell us, and if we can save just one life, the economic destruction of the nation is a small price to pay, according to Democrats.

Russia Collusion Versus The Biden Scandal: The full, combined forces of government can attack Donald Trump on an hourly basis with wholly-created, trumped-up evidence and a constant avalanche of “bombshells” from the leftist lying press for three years, only to end up with a slurred-speech Robert Mueller stating that no evidence was found to support the false, treasonous claim of collusion by Trump. But when Biden’s own staff announces that Hunter Biden is being investigated by the FBI…

Gun Buy-Back: In spite of the linguistic flip-flop of Biden stating that he will not confiscate weapons, but that he will kindly offer to buy them back, his far-left plan amounts to a violation of our constitution and it results in the illegal taking of self-defense weapons by the federal government. Of course the deprivation of a weapon via the buy-back plan may not be quite so obvious if the government first prevents the manufacture of ammunition…

America is in one hell of a situation with Democrats using fraud to elect a president who will likely soon have to surrender that power, via his obvious incapacity to serve, to his dedicated Socialist vice president, who has promised to open our borders to people who have never lived in a real, functioning Democracy worth its name, and all of whom will become dependents to a Democrat administration that will insist on, and get, the new millions of illegals’ votes at each and every election, and an administration that has sworn to force the wearing of worthless facial masks even though a vaccine is being administered nation-wide. America is full of adults who are fully capable of making decisions about their lives, and who are fed up with watching people who are brave enough to try to establish businesses, have their life savings wiped out by onerous government commands that businesses remain locked down.

Read the full article here: We Can See Parallels Between Government Lies And The Loss Of Our Precious Constitution – Conservative Daily News

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