We Better Pay Attention to what their doing to us…

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The United Nations is about to criminalize anyone who spreads misinformation that causes social disorder and hatred. Draft versions of the documents =reveal that the UN may criminalize social posts that promote “hatred” – including “ideological” and “political” – in addition to the vague term “extremism.”

A reader writes:

This is a blatant shielding of corporate entities like the WEF and the WHO from scrutiny and a dismantling of fundamental human rights. We have a very serious problem here. This is like a coup d’état of corporate interests aided and abetted by the collusion of some politicians and bureaucrats.

Why are those politicians of integrity still so slow to recognize the serious threat to national security and democracy that is being advanced? Nothing is ok about what our governments in the west are doing to our country and our democracy. This is extreme and frightening.

Source: We Better Pay Attention – The White Rose

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