Watchdog group identifies hundreds of crimes allegedly committed by Hunter Biden gleaned from his laptop

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A watchdog organization has identified hundreds of instances of alleged illegal behavior committed by Hunter Biden gleaned from content found on the laptop he abandoned in 2019 at a computer repair shop in Delaware.

The group, Marco Polo, headed up by a one-time aide to former President Donald Trump, said that it found 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations and that a final report documenting the allegations serves as a legal road map for state and federal authorities, should anyone chose to pursue them.

“The timing of the report’s release, coming two weeks before the midterm elections, has a certain symmetry to the laptop’s initial introduction to the public,” the Daily Wire reported earlier this week. “In 2020, days before the election, the New York Post published news of the laptop’s existence, as well as bombshells from it, but social media suppressed the story after the FBI had warned companies of so-called misinformation.”

Garrett Ziegler, Marco Polo’s 26-year-old founder, said that the team of cyber sleuths he put together were thorough, producing a report that is ‘heavy’ at nearly 1 gigabyte in large part due to all of the screenshots contained in it.

“I’ve been focusing on this for 13 months,” Ziegler told The Daily Wire. “It was really a thing of necessity. I recognized how rich the material was. It requires utter focus. It is so hard to write something comprehensive about it and do anything else on the side.”

“There’s been some phenomenal writing so far on the sex and degeneracy,” he added, however: “The focus of the report is on crimes … I had a compulsion to log every crime, even the state-level statutes. The mission is simple: Hold Republicans’ feet to the fire. We don’t want to hear that Republicans need another year to do an investigation. I’ve done that here.”

“Our number one goal is to ensure that Republicans don’t waste time. The investigation has been done. This report is a simple but extremely thorough roadmap for who needs to be subpoenaed for which timeframes and for what types of crimes.” he continued, according to The U.S. Sun, noting that the report includes 140 alleged business-related crimes, 191 sex-related offenses and 128 drug-related crimes.

“Right now people still don’t know the entirety of what’s on the laptop in terms of crimes, which is what my non-profit cares about. This report finally answers that question, so Republicans can’t go back and say they still need to look at what’s on the laptop. All we’re seeking is the equal application of the law,” Ziegler continued in his interview with The U.S. Sun.

“So far, this saga has been one of the greatest examples of double standards in American legal history. People have gone to prison for decades based on Joe’s own policies for doing exactly what Hunter did. Meanwhile, Hunter is living at a beachside estate in Malibu,” he added.

When the New York Post first reported on the laptop’s contents, those details were scandalous enough. But it appears as though they were just the tip of the iceberg.

In the opening summary of the Marco Polo report, the group blames the politicized Justice Department and FBI — including under then-President Trump — for failing to do anything with the evidence on the laptop in order to protect a Democrat top officials likely knew was going to become the next president.

“The Department of Justice (DOJ), specifically the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), took possession of an Apple laptop previously used by Hunter Biden (Hunter) on 12/09/2019, following months of back-and-forth with a computer repair shop owner named John Paul Mac Isaac,” the summary states.

“This Report would not have been necessary if law enforcement had done its job. Dereliction of duty is nothing new for the FBI, as its government-sponsored cover-up occurred with Anthony Weiner’s devices. Additionally, besides a few notable exceptions, news outlets and think tanks in America have been unwilling to investigate and expose the hundreds of crimes and conflicts of interest on the Biden Laptop which—as you will read—definitively implicate the sitting president, Joe Biden,” it adds.

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*Source: Watchdog group identifies hundreds of crimes allegedly committed by Hunter Biden gleaned from his laptop –

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