Warning: Ukraine is the Great Reset Laboratory of the Global Tech Elite

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A global system of totalitarian technocracy has arrived, and Ukraine has happily been globalists’ Great Reset Laboratory.

In the middle of a war, Ukraine has been stealthily working hard on being the first nation to implement virtually all the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset key hallmarks:

Digital identity, Vaccination passports, Universal basic income (UBI), Chinese style Social credit scores which are all combined in their already operational Diia app. The country is transferring citizens’ power to the state and handing it over to the WEF and other Supranational organizations.

Read the following article: “In the shadow of war: Ukraine as the great reset laboratory of the global tech elite” by Julian Schernthaner at German news site Wochenblick to learn more…

While a very real conflict is raging in Ukraine, spotlights aren’t shining on the struggles of digital distribution. Yet the advocates of radical world restructuring and total surveillance recognized long ago the potential of this Eastern European country. With the vigorous participation from President Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine would be a Mecca for US bio-weapons laboratories and pave the way for digital networking, the Metaverse, and a transparent citizenry. The linchpin is the digital ID app known as “Diia,” an acronym for “The Government and me.”

Zelensky’s Social Credit System

The journey started in 2019 after Zelensky had only been in office for just a few months. The “Ministry for Digital Transformation” was founded, with the main task of creating a government platform for smartphones. The Diia app was launched in February 2020. Since then, progress has been accelerating. With more than 50 applications, online identification, and official governmental channels available via the app which include: Driver’s license, Covid vaccination passport, student ID card, the ability to set up a business, apply for insurance, and receive social benefits. A French tech portal wrote the following about it: “A model we previously only knew from China with its social credit system.” By the way, “ID Austria” is also supposed to go in this direction in its final expansion.

As a social credit system, it must also be implemented quite literally. Last year, Zelensky promised rewards of 1,000 Hryvnia (about 30 euros) – about one-tenth of a typical monthly salary – to any citizen who provided proof of a full vaccination record in Diia. Authorities are no longer permitted to insist on paper documents – and observers believe that the dual option is only a temporary solution. The timing is hardly a coincidence. Two weeks before it went live, Zelensky was named “Guest of Honour” for the first time at the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit hosted by the “Great Reset” architect Klaus Schwab.

“Investment Mecca” for Tech Companies

Zelenski’s speech at the World Economic Forum included the buzzword of a “new normal.” He claimed that current global institutions do not function efficiently and that international security must be rethought. He presented a vision in which Ukraine would take a…

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