Wait, we’re giving Soros money? HHS gives millions to Soros tied nonprofit

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The following article contains editorial content which is the opinion of the writer. 

WASHINGTON, DC- White House mouthpiece Jen Psaki has been attempting to gaslight the American people by claiming that the Biden administration isn’t as soft on crime as is being portrayed. However as always, talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words.

The Western Journal reports that the Biden administration has committed to nearly $200 million to a group linked to billionaire socialist George Soros which helps illegal aliens escape punishment.

According to federal watchdog group Open the Books, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has thus far allocated a $164 million contract to the left-wing Vera Institute for Justice, which is used to fund lawyers for illegal aliens and undocumented minors.

Initially, the award was in the amount of $158 million last year, however this year HHS sweetened the pot with an additional $6 million. Sources however indicate the administration is seeking to increase the contract to just south of $200 million.

The Vera Institute is funded in part by Soros through his Open Society Foundation, which has donated some $10 million to the group.

“The Vera Institute of Justice is a behemoth progressive nonprofit based out of New York City, with well over a $140 million budget, which they use to fund a slate of progressive causes and initiatives across the country,” according to Jason Hopkins of the Immigration Reform Law Institute in a statement to Fox News. “Whether that be criminal justice reform, bail reform and also immigration.”

The Vera institute however encourages illegal immigration by ensuring that lawyers will in fact be paid for by the United States government, whose laws they are breaking. What then is to keep them from continuing to cross over the border?

So far, HHS has handed out money to five programs, The Western Journal reported:

  • “$9.4 million for EOIR, which refers to the Executive Office for Immigration Review
  • $12.7 million for legal orientation program
  • $4.7 million for family group legal orientation program
  • $4.6 million for ‘immigration court help desk’
  • $5.3 million for legal orientation for unaccompanied alien children custodians.”

“The Vera Institute seeks to set up a parallel public defender system that they run with your tax dollars,” said Adam Andrzejewski, CDO and founder of Open the Books. 

Western Journal citing Just the News reported:

“With hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding, they are seeking a legal subsidy for illegal entrants. This has troubling public policy implications. For example, Vera is a non-profit entity and is not government. Therefore they are not subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), so citizens don’t have a right to know and can’t follow the money.”

All of this is of course just another example of the Biden administration’s soft on crime policies and also underscores the underbelly of soft money that funds it.

None of this has been lost on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who slammed Biden for failure to lead and get the progressive soft-on-crime Democrats in his party under control.

“Soft-on-crime politicians are destroying our country. Both President Biden and VP Harris have indulged the soft-on-crime far left for political gain, helping create a climate hostile to law enforcement,” McCarthy said as reported by Fox News. “It has been an absolute disaster.”

McCarthy also launched on Biden’s refusal to condemn newly-elected far-left Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, who came out after his election and committed to not prosecute so-called “low-level” or “minor” criminal offenses.

“Now, Biden lacks the courage to condemn a far-left prosecutor in New York City who refuses to prosecute crime, downgrades felony charges for crimes like armed robbery and releases criminals on low bail.”

As part of her gaslighting initiative, Psaki recently insisted that claims Biden is soft on crime have “no basis” in fact, as reported in The Hill. She also claimed that Biden’s “American Rescue Plan” contains funds to hire additional police officers, but that claim has been given Three Pinocchio’s by the Washington Post.

While there is money in the ARP for municipalities, nothing directs them to use the money for law enforcement purposes. Psaki also claims high crime is the fault of lax gun laws, however most major cities—New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and others—already have some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

Recent polls show that a majority of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of crime, with only one-third approving, according to…

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