Board Certified Embalmer reveals more mystery clots…

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On today’s Dr. Jane Ruby Show, Dr. Jane brings back Board Certified Embalmer, Richard Hirschman for a stunning 2 part interview – he is busier than ever pulling out more mystery white fibrous clots, this time exploding out of the arteries as he reaches for them! He has the receipts, the pictures and a new shocking video demonstration – are the dead trying to warn us from the grave?

Then Dr. Jane reviews the known facts about Marburg illness and a serious warning from attorney Todd Callender.

Watch full show:

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Ignorance kills
Ignorance kills
2 years ago

Every day I turn on my tv and see a “doctor” in a PSA telling me it’s perfectly safe and effective and to line up the kiddies for it. This ad runs 100 times a day. This is the public’s perception. The public’s ignorance is their doom. This is a global IQ test.

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