Virginia Plans For All Public Schools To Allow Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms

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One of the most controversial and reviled of Catholic documents is Pope Pius IX’s 1864 “Syllabus of Errors,” a long list of popular opinions that the Roman pontiff strongly condemned. Placing the document within its proper historical context, Pius XI was concerned by developments in such countries as the United States, where Catholic education was increasingly restricted under what were called “Blaine amendments.”

Among the “errors” Pius IX assailed in the document is the belief that “all public institutes intended for instruction… on the education of youth… should be fully subjected to the civil and political power at the pleasure of the rulers, and according to the standard of the prevalent opinions of the age.”

For such declarations, the pope was labeled by many as backward, ignorant, irrelevant, and absurd. Yet in light of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s “Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia Public Schools” perhaps Pius IX, who was concerned not only with religious freedom but protecting parental duties, was on to something.

Virginia’s “model policies,” drafted with input by various educational professionals and students, include, as the Prince William-Manassas Family Alliance notes:

  • Failure to use a transgender student’s preferred pronoun could subject teachers or students to disciplinary action.
  • Schools should help students make decisions about “gender identity” without parents being informed.
  • Students should be allowed to use the same changing facilities or overnight accommodations as those of a different biological sex based on “gender identity.” To do so would not require any substantiating evidence or that such identity has been asserted for any required duration.
  • School staff is warned not to question anyone entering a restroom.
  • School staff may need to report parents if students are “abused, neglected, or at risk of abuse or neglect” if they are being non-supportive of a child’s assertion of gender identity different than their sex at birth.

These policies follow the enactment of two bills by the Virginia General Assembly…

Read the full story here: Virginia Plans For All Public Schools To Allow Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms

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