VAERS Data Analyst Exposes HUGE Number Of COVID Vax Injuries/Deaths!

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Independent doctors and analysts reveal how the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is conniving  to suppress the shocking high tally of deaths and reactions to the COVID19 jab.

In what may be criminal activity, VAERS is deleting already published reports compounding their conspiracy of lies and deceit. Hundreds, maybe thousands of vaccine deaths are being covered up.

Independent medical data analyst, Albert Benavides broke the news that VAERS does not publish “follow-up” reports – no follow up investigations, no follow-up autopsies, Nothing!

Benavides showed how the official data in VAERS is being ‘massaged’ to minimize how toxic and deadly these experimental jabs are in this ‘must watch’ video interview by Dr Jane Ruby.

Albert Benavideshas over 25 years working as a professional systems data analyst, auditor and manager. Board certified with the American Academy of Professional Coders and CPCMedical Insurance Coding Specialist/Coder (CPC). Successfully managed a medical billing department within the largest privately owned medical diagnostic laboratory in California and now gaining prominence as a respected VAERS data analyst exposing COVID19 vaccines adverse reactions in the official Adverse Events Reporting System.

In an interview by Dr Jane Ruby Albert revealed that VAERS is deliberating deleting dozens of deaths every week from the experimental COVID19 ‘vaccines’.

Please watch video here provided by Principia Scientific International.

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