Vaccine Passports Will Be In Use As Early As May 17th in the UK

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Is the ‘Digital Green Pass’ reminiscent of the old apartheid Era Dompass?

In Apartheid South Africa I was well accustomed to seeing the racial segregations of whites and blacks and the document that kept it so. I was a young student constable in the South African police, when this injustice finally came to an end (1986).

Yes, I was one of the privileged, I grew up in a middle class home, my grandad, who died the year I was born, was arrested under the ‘Immorality act’. After the death of my grandmother, he had a relationship with a black woman and they had children, family I have never met.

Rosie was my nanny, I call her my second mom. As a child she showed me her Dompass and explained to me how it worked. She could not move around freely, she could only go to, and be at places where she had permission to go and be. She couldn’t ride on the same bus as me, she couldn’t sit on the same park bench as me. For heavens sake, she couldn’t even go into the same post office as me.

This is the way, the then Nationalist government restricted those disadvantaged under its iron grip. How can it be that the colour of ones skin can cause so much hurt and pain?

As a constable, I soon fell foul of my fellow officers, and those of rank. The whites isolated me, were distrusting of me and for that reason, refused to work with me in the field.

My best friends in South Africa were mostly black folk and I remember an incident when a woman asked me if I was unable to get a white girlfriend when crossing the street with my black friend, Lindiwe Gumedze. I can tell you many more harrowing stories of racism and hate and how I stood in opposition against such behavior.

I have not, nor have I ever espoused a leftist or a rightist ideology and for the most part believe that politics is the exact reason why we are, where we are at today, in big trouble.

When society tries (is trying) to enforce, not only in the UK, my place of residence for the past 17 years, but all over the world, a similar and in many ways far worse system that will enslave all those who don’t want to accept a vaccine, unable to travel, shop at regular stores, go to sports venues, music concerts, eat at restaurants or gain access to the local pub, then you know we are on a slippery slope. Israel is a prime example of a world gone mad and for now those in Israel are still able to shop for food, but how long remains to be seen.

Under Hitler the Jews were forced to wear a yellow star on their clothes to identify them. They suffered immensely at the hands of National Socialism. So now the world leaders, in lockstep, want to brand all those who don’t want to take the vaccine, shun them as unclean. What persecution awaits for us who refuse to take this vaccine.

There is talk of, ‘no jab, no job’ and ‘forced fascination’. What has this world come to, when will this madness end? The vaccines they want us to take are all experimental, that makes those who take it lab rats.

Just as the Black Folk fought Apartheid, I hope and pray that the world will stand up and fight the soon coming oppression of all those who don’t want to take this vaccine and fight against the new Dompass!!

Article Source: Vaccine Passports Will Be In Use As Early As May 17th |

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