Vaccine Damage And Deaths Are Becoming Widespread

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When one Detroit TV station asked for confirmation bias (people dying of “Covid” from no vaccine), to its surprise the station instead received over 180,000 responses of vaccine injured and dead.

As S.D. Wells reported in Naturalnews,com on Thursday, September 16, 2021, “SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots”

Wells reports the following:

“It really doesn’t matter which poisonous jab people got, whether it was mRNA or a single protein payload stab, the billions of toxic spike proteins are clogging their blood and vital organs as you read this. The toxic jabs don’t discriminate either, as to your age, race or physical fitness level. You can be a soldier in top shape, or someone’s grandma in the nursing home, and still, the deadly Covid jab will work its nightmares on the human body, including decimation of the vascular and immune systems.”

“Take a look at just a handful of posted complaints, which are all fairly recent, regarding the nightmarish “side effects” and adverse events going on now, some weeks or months after getting stabbed with billions of toxic spike prions, all just to try to ward off a bad case of the China flu (which none of the inoculations have been proven to do yet.”

“There may not be any worse health-related advice than what comes from WebMD, the internet “doctors” who doctor all information to suit pharma profits, keep people sick and push them to the doctors and dentists for more lab-made concoctions. This is not a legitimate way to heal from anything, but simply dampen symptoms to a tolerable level while the roots of the problems get deeper embedded and more severe.”

“Vaccine-damage victims are now very easy to find, even on mass media. That tells you a lot. That means the damage is very widespread, and that you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Most likely, these complaints will be taken down from the website, but for now, they are there in plain sight, for the world to see, describing how these people just wish the pain and agony will go away.”

“WebMD has a history of steering people in the wrong direction that are seeking medical advice online. They pushed mercury dental fillings for years, even though the entire industry knew how detrimental mercury can be to the brain and central nervous system. Maybe some good will come of these complaints plastered all over their website about horrific health detriment that comes from the dirty Covid jabs. Seek natural immunity and never take experimental lab-made concoctions.”

In case you are not convinced by Wells’ take on jab concerns as expressed in his article of September 16, 2021, check out Sharyl Attkisson’s (UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns, dated September 19, 2021.

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] Vaccine Damage And Deaths Are Becoming Widespread | Principia Scientific Intl.

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