US officials hiding data – Nations reveal lockdowns more deadly than Covid-19

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The land of the free and the home of the brave has become the land of misleading media reports and authoritarian policies ever since COVID-19 fearmongering became the driving force behind everything. Some would argue it has always been this way as incremental propaganda and creeping Marxism inched us towards the place we are today.

What makes it worse is seeing other nations that are supposedly less free coming out with information the people need to hear. This is information that doesn’t seem to make it to American ears except for those who are looking at alternative news sources because mainstream media refuses to report on it. Case-in-point: Canadian scientists who are now questioning the efficacy of lockdowns when comparing the fatality numbers of the side effects.

Forcing people to stay at home rather than allowing them to live normal lives is responsible for all the “excess deaths” in Canada that the medical and political establishments are blaming on the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

This is according to a leading Canadian national statistics agency, which released a report indicating that the government’s response…


Full story here: Article Source: US officials hiding data as other nations reveal the lockdowns are more deadly than Covid-19

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