US Lawmakers Reluctant To Get COVID Vaccines | Principia Scientific Intl.

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After a year now of pandemic life, America appears to be barreling toward a better future: Cases are way down from their winter peak, and vaccinations have continued to accelerate. In less than two months, President Joe Biden has promised, there will be enough supply for every adult in the country to get their jab. One of the biggest obstacles remaining: Convincing people to take their shots.

There’s been plenty of talk about vaccine hesitancy among Black Americans, who have been given a great deal of reason to be suspicious of the medical establishment. But the reality appears to be that unequal access to vaccines, not skepticism about them, is the biggest obstacle to getting Black Americans vaccinated, and that it is actually Republican men who seem most likely to resist getting their shots.

According to a recent NPR/PBS Newshour/Marist poll, nearly half of Republicans surveyed said they would not get a vaccine if offered—a massive partisan gap that Dr. Anthony Fauci is now practically begging former President Donald Trump to help close.


Full story here: Source: US Lawmakers Reluctant To Get COVID Vaccines | Principia Scientific Intl.

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