Unlocked: Pfizer Recorded 5 Million Harmful Clinical Outcomes from 1.5 Million mRNA Nanoparticle Injected Victims

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Updated June 17, 2023: This article has been updated to include additional harmful systemic outcomes recorded by Pfizer as of June 18, 2022, per this internal 393-page Pfizer document. I strongly recommend the use of this document as a credible reference for the increased risk of diseases, disorders, disabilities and death caused by the mRNA nanoparticle injections.

Originally posted June 15, 2023: Yesterday, Dan Horowitz published an article in Conservative Review disclosing an internal Pfizer document of reported adverse events from their mRNA injections. The internal 393-page Pfizer document is a record of all harmful results reported to or collected by Pfizer since receiving emergency use authorization (EUA) up until June 18, 2022, as well as an interval reporting period.

I did my own quick analysis of the Pfizer document and was horrified to find that there were nearly 5 million (4,964,106) harmful clinical outcomes reported across nearly 1.5 million (1,485,027) mRNA injected victims since December of 2020.

Shockingly, there were 696,605 nervous system disorders, 539,299 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (92,942 pain in extremities), and 317,811 gastrointestinal disorders, 224,633 skin, hair and nail disorders, 190,720 respiratory and chest disorders, 178,353 female and male reproductive system disorders (i.e. erectile dysfunction, infertility, heavy menstrual bleeding), 126,993 cardiac disorders, 100,970 blood and lymphatic system disorders, 77,148 psychiatric disorders, 73,542 vascular disorders, 61,518 eye disorders, 47,038 ear and labyrinth disorders (15,833 tinnitus), 31,895 immune system disorders, 13,647 kidney and urinary disorders, and 167,382 victims developed bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections, including 24,910 herpetic infections.


Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle injections never had the ability to provide any benefit and were always developed with the intentions of causing disease, disabilities, and death. This is now even more evident per Pfizer’s own June 2022 internal document.

This internal Pfizer document reveals that there were at least 3,814 deaths reported, 3,711 cancers and benign cysts, 4,056 pregnancy complications (1,859 spontaneous abortion complications), and 1,143 spontaneously occurring genetic disorders. On average, victims suffered 3 or more harmful clinical outcomes across multiple organ systems post mRNA injection.

The interval reporting period is December 19, 2021 through June 18, 2022 with 1,591,026 harmful clinical outcomes of 507,683 mRNA injected victims. The cumulative reporting period for this document is December of 2020 through June 18, 2022, recording 4,964,106 harmful outcomes of 1,487,027 mRNA injected victims.


To put the underreporting of VAERS in perspective, as of June, 2023 (nearly a year after the cutoff data of the Pfizer report) there are less than one million total adverse events reported in the United States, which was likely closer to 500,000 a year ago when Pfizer ran their report on their COVID-19 vaccine only. (The VAERS report pictured below is for all COVID-19 vaccines in the US).


There were at least 3,814 deaths reported in the Pfizer document, including newborn deaths. The numbers below do not include fetal heart attacks and death.



There were 696,605 nervous systems disorders, 317,811 gastrointestinal disorders, 126,993 cardiac disorders, 100,970 blood and lymphatic system disorders, 61,518 eye disorders, 31,895 immune disorders and 167,382 victims developed bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections and infestations.

Below is a screenshot of the some of the summaries I reviewed from the document.


The Pfizer Adverse Reaction report is from global post-marketing data sources (including databases such as VAERS).

Before the world of COVID, the term post-marketing always meant commercialization of a product, aka post FDA-BLA approval. (BLA is the biologics license application.) However, since COVID and the FDA-EUA approvals, Pfizer and other manufacturers simply combine FDA-EUA and FDA-BLA approvals together as post-marketing/commercialization. (This is criminal BTW as the products are legally distinct.)

When you look at the breadth of diseases Pfizer’s mRNA nanoparticle injections cause, it’s obvious that they do not contain a biologically recreated part of a virus that was synthetically recreated in a lab. Per Pfizer’s contract with the US military and FDA guidelines, the mRNA nanoparticle technologies are Class II devices that are known electromagnetic devices.

Pfizer's mRNA Vaccines Contain Electromagnetic Devices per DoD Contract

With nearly 5 million harmful outcomes, of which, 700,000 are neurological disorders, it’s apparent that the mRNA injections are nanoparticle technologies designed to attack various systems throughout the body, in other words, they are bioweapons.

I don’t think I could have written it any more clearly than I when I wrote to the media, Congress, doctor associations, and influencers in May of 2021.

“Please have an expert in auto-immune disease medical research review this patent and the ones linked in this email. I believe they will conclude that the COVID-19 injections are bioweapons that contain gain of function (GOF) chimeric viruses and toxins under the guise of mRNA therapeutic vaccines combined with a ‘diagnostic/therapeutic’ lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platform. Per the patent, the LNP can target specifics organs and systems throughout the body, including, but not limited to reproductive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and the central nervous system, specifically crossing the blood brain barrier.” – Karen Kingston, May 2021

The damage done by mRNA nanoparticles to the brain and nervous system is well-established in the consumer, biotech, pharma, military, and ‘mRNA’ industries. The mRNA nanoparticle injections never had the ability to provide any clinical benefit and were always developed with the intentions of causing non-human genetic mutations, disease, disabilities, and death. As Dr. Malone confessed in an interview with Glenn Beck that the mRNA ‘vaccines’ are an entry point to transhumanism, ethically and otherwise.

Transhumanism is genetic modifications to humans with non-human biological genetic material as well as with inorganic materials, such as metals and electronic devices. Transhumanism is a nice way of describing the extinction of the human species. All biotechnologies used for the purposes of transhumanism, including mRNA vaccine technologies, are by definition weapons of biowarfare and even patented as such.

In January of 2017, MIT, Harvard, the Brigham and Woman’s Hospital, and the Children’s Medical Center of Boston filed a patent for the lipid nanoparticle Vaccine Technology for use as a bioweapon.


The lipid nanoparticle vaccine nanotechnology is patented for use as a bioweapon because the vaccine lipid nanotechnologies (aka COVID-19 mRNA vaccines) are bioweapons.

I do not understand how experts, government officials, and law enforcement turn a blind eye to the disease, disabilities and deaths caused by these bioweapon injections when Pfizer’s own documents confess to the harms and injuries their injections cause with zero defense of any clinical benefit.

It’s time for God-fearing Americans across this nation to organize county-by-county, and demand that local law enforcement seize and remove these bioweapon injections from their communities. The following is a template that can be used combined with victims’ affidavits.


DEMAND: Immediately Stop Access to COVID-19 Injections Across All Florida Counties

They did not destroy the nations, concerning whom the Lord commanded them: but were mingled among the heathen, and learned their works. They served their idols: which were a snare unto them.

They sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils, and shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood.

Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own inventions. Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance.

I do believe that there is way for America to save our nation and our children. There is a current intelligence war that is enabling the use of mRNA bioweapon technology on civilians through ‘choice’ and ‘informed consent.’ The delusional belief that allowing bioweapons in our communities represents freedom and truth can be blown to pieces with facts and evidence.

I’ve been fighting this psychological war to educate Americans and our government officials for two years now, mostly unsupported by our government and medical leaders. If you want America to take control of this biowarfare nightmare, please reach out to government leaders and powerful media influencers to request for me to present the evidence that can take down Pfizer and stop the mRNA technology platform dead in its tracks. I can be reached through patriots@mifight.com.

Source: Unlocked: Pfizer Recorded 5 Million Harmful Clinical Outcomes from 1.5 Million mRNA Nanoparticle Injected Victims

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