Twitter is cancelling Science

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I have cited a statement made in the Texan Congress, which was reason enough to put me into a seven-day Twitter quarantine. Previously, I have been banned for posting my peer-reviewed vitamin D publication and a paper on the effectiveness of masks. Both Cancel Science and Cancel Culture are real. I fully understand that propaganda hoaxes and fake reports should be tackled. However, the public opinion is currently dominated by international big-tech in collaboration with governments and major media companies.

In that way, we are told what to think. Experts and journalists who still dare to speak up are silenced by the adherents of the self-declared truth. Once one comes up with arguments that do not correspond to the official narrative, the unperturbed swarm of mosquitoes is already on its way. Only rarely does the “feedback” go beyond ad hominem attacks. Most of the time, one is discredited as a covid or science denier, conspiracy theorist, anti-Semite, or Nazi. The mob masses are often also just victims of manipulation.

The degree of censorship and oppression has taken on new dimensions under the guise of fighting the pandemic. By politicizing science (i.e. manipulation of science for political gain) academic and scientific freedom has been negatively affected. There is only one ‘Truth’ left. And it is precisely this circumstance that is alarming since scientific discourse is based on different opinions that can be underpinned with evidence. If you put 100 scientists in one room, you’ll still have 100 different opinions based on personal knowledge and evidence interpretation.

The product of scientific achievements should be for sale. The scientists should not.



Read full story here: Source: Twitter is cancelling Science – goddek et al.

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