Trump Adviser: Trump Loss an ‘Utter Improbability’ After Winning Florida, Iowa, Ohio

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Article Source: Trump Adviser: Trump Loss an ‘Utter Improbability’ After Winning Florida, Iowa, Ohio

President Donald Trump’s campaign adviser Steve Cortes is continuing to highlight irregularities in the election results, saying that it’s extremely rare for a presidential candidate to win in Ohio, Florida, and Iowa and lose the overall race.

Trump won those three battleground states. Former President Richard Nixon, who lost during the 1960 election against former President John F. Kennedy, also won Florida, Ohio, and Iowa, and is the only other candidate to have experienced that in more than 150 years.

“Since before the Civil War, only once has a candidate swept Ohio, Iowa, & Florida and ‘lost’ the presidential race – Nixon in 1960. President Trump handily won this trifecta of key states on Nov 3rd. Unlike 1960…we will NOT allow the Dems’ theft to stand!” he wrote on Twitter.  He went on to point out that some historians believe that Nixon actually won the 1960 election and was “cheated out of it” in Chicago.

Read the full story here

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