Documents obtained from Moderna reveal that the so-called vaccine being peddled by the company is actually an ‘operating system’. This startling admission confirms what vaccine skeptics have claimed – that COVID is about control, not a virus.

It won’t be lost on anyone who has done due diligence over this pandemic to see past the glib claims of paid-off politicians and compliant media that all is not as it seems.

To start, it is no coincidence that one of the key promoters of these new mRNA ‘vaccines’ is none other than Microsoft billionaire, Bill Gates. Bill gave a Ted Talk where he boasted vaccines can help cut global population by 15 percent.

Yes he said cut population. How does that work – by deactivating these vaccine-implanted operating systems in us?

Well, psychopathic Bill couldn’t fix his Microsoft operating system to prevent endless computer viruses, so why should we trust him now that he is spearheading what is seen as a major step towards transhumanism. For those who care about what goes into their bodies, and those of their loved ones, see if you can detect something very sinister from what is being foisted upon a gullible public.

Over at The Corbett Report readers can enlighten themselves as to the very real dangers of transhumanism – the idea of a ‘fantastic future’ in which humans merge fully with machines. Transhumanists take science as their religion and believe in a philosophy of “absolute relativism” that claims that individuals can change reality at will, and they seek to “relativize the human being.”

Certainly, everyone who holds strong religious beliefs, in whatever faith, will baulk at what is far from a benign doctrine. Transhumanism is at complete enmity with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc.

Do we really want to sacrifice our soul simply for the sense of security from a virus infection?

Over at contributor Weaver posts the following which is alleged to be from Moderna’s documents on the new COVID-19 vaccines. It reads thus:

Read the full story here > Transhuman 101: Moderna Declares COVID Vaccine To Be An ‘Operating System’