Trans, Inc: Genital Mutilation Is Not Just a Fad, It’s a Full-Blown Industry

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Genital mutilation has rapidly grown into a nearly $3 billion industry that is estimated will more than double in size by 2030. Tucker Carlson asks, “How did something this demented happen so quickly?” His guest, financial analyst, Chris Moritz has been following the money.

Chris says, “The biggest single policy catalyst for this explosion is Obamacare. When Obamacare was enacted in 2010, there was very quietly, written into the law a provision in which insurance companies were mandated to provide coverage for what is deemed ‘medically necessary gender-affirming care’.

“As a result of that, between 2010 and 2016, there was a 50% increase in sex reassignment surgeries, 25% increase in insurance coverage for transgender individuals and then, at the very end of the Obama administration, 2016, an additional amendment to the Affordable Care Act was made, whereby gender identity could no longer be a basis for denial of coverage by private insurance companies.

“As a result of that, the next year, from 2016 to 2017, there was a 150% increase in sex reassignment surgeries in the United States.

“The Trump administration very early on revoked this provision and then, of course, the Biden administration put it back in place within the first hundred days,” Chris says.

There are no FDA-approved therapies for gender dysphoria and -transition. For example, the drug Lupron, which is prescribed off-label to delay puberty in children until they are old enough to begin hormone replacement therapy was originally developed to treat hormone-responsive cancers, like prostate cancer and breast cancer and it has also been used to chemically castrate violent sex offenders.

There are no long term studies of the effects of administering Lupron to growing children and how it can affect brain development and bone density. Similarly, there are no long term studies on the effects of massive doses of hormones required to “transition” into the opposite sex.

If several cancers are known to develop from a surfeit of sex hormones, it seems likely that we will see an explosion of cancers in the population of people receiving these treatments. The Standards of Care are established by the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH).

Transgender billionaire, Jennifer Pritzker‘s Tawani Foundation donated to WPATH in 2006 and to the University of California in 2003, to study the feasibility of transgender people serving in the military, in the police and in fire departments. In 2016, she donated $2 million to create the world’s first endowed academic chair of Transgender Studies, at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.

Many kids now identifying as trans are on the autism spectrum, likely because they’re vaccine-injured. TikTok is rife with unethical doctors cashing-in on the growth industry of “gender-affirming” surgery on this embattled generation, like self-proclaimed “tit wizard” plastic surgeon, Dr Sidhbh Gallagher who advertises her surgical services by telling kids who don’t like talking on the phone that they can, instead text her to begin scheduling their procedures.

This insanity is not occurring in East Asia or in Africa but surprisingly, Iran is a hotbed for these procedures, because homosexuality is illegal there and the government-approved treatment for homosexuality is sex reassignment surgery. Gay Iranians flee to Turkey, in order to avoid being forced into genital mutilation by the Islamic Republic.

The British Government has recently retreated from some of this insanity and all of the European governments that previously condoned the gender reassignment of minors have since outlawed it. The US remains the only country to permit this atrocity.

Chris observes that the transgender movement is an outgrowth of Cultural Marxism, which has fermented on college campuses in recent decades and he notes that the movement is functioning much like the Cultural Revolution did in China during the 1960s-1970s.

To me, it seems obvious that the transgender movement is a form of hybrid warfare that is unapologetically designed dismantle our society.

In 2019, Cory’s Digs did this excellent report on the genesis of the transgender industry, for further reading.


Source: Trans, Inc: Genital Mutilation Is Not Just a Fad, It’s a Full-Blown Industry – Forbidden Knowledge TV

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