Torching of Lahaina an ACT OF TERRORISM by the tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii

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– #Lahaina fires were deliberately allowed to achieve maximum destruction

– #Maui police and county officials are refusing to talk to local press (video)

– Hundreds of children were burned alive in something resembling a mass child sacrifice ritual

– Hawaiian government resorts to #tyranny and SILENCE while locals go hungry

– This is what happens when you vote corrupt Democrats into power

– A universal principle: You get the #tyranny you vote for

– Lahaina disaster is a microcosm of a planetary-scale WAR against humanity – #depopulation

– Governments are waging acts of #terrorism and #warfare against their own people

– Engineered famine, #geoengineering of crop failures, #terraforming operations to hurt crop yields

– Government black ops teams run sabotage operations on food facility and energy infrastructure

– #Hawaii being turned into a PRISON CAMP with “smart cities” surveillance and government controls

– Hawaii is highly vulnerable to engineered food shortages because very little food is grown locally

– The genetic engineering crop corporations took over much of Hawaii’s agricultural land

– Montana court rules that the state must protect children from DELUSIONAL FEARS like #climatechange

– Banana republic of Georgia indicts #Trump and others for ridiculous things; an assault on free speech


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