Top UN Official: ‘We Own The Science And The World Should Know It’

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The UN rep also bragged about how they partnered with Google so only ‘official’ UN Covid and climate talking points would appear in results.

By declaring they ‘own the science,’ partnering with big tech to manipulate search results & pouring millions into media outlets, the unelected globalists are showing their true colors for all to see.

The United Nations’ global communications representative; Melissa Fleming, tells the WEF, “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” during a panel on disinformation.

During the World Economic Forum’s Sustainable Development Impact Meetings last week, the unelected globalists held a panel on “Tackling Disinformation” where participants from the UN, CNN, and Brown University discussed how to best control narratives.

The Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the United Nations highlighted that the UN had partnered with several big tech companies, including TikTok and Google, to control COVID and climate narratives while claiming, “We own the science.”

On the topic of controlling the climate change narrative, Fleming remarked that the UN had partnered with Google, so that the unelected globalists’ authoritative narratives would appear at the top of search results.

“We partnered with Google,” said Fleming, adding, “for example, if you Google ‘climate change,’ you will, at the top of your search, you will get all kinds of UN resources.

“We started this partnership when we were shocked to see that when we Googled ‘climate change,’ we were getting incredibly distorted information right at the top.

“We’re becoming much more proactive. We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” she added.

But the unelected globalists’ efforts on narrative control didn’t end with partnering with Google to manipulate search results on climate change.

Fleming also highlighted that the UN worked with TikTok on a project called “Team Halo” to boost COVID messaging coming from medical and scientific communities on the Chinese-owned video sharing platform.

“We had another trusted messenger project, which was called ‘Team Halo’ where we trained scientists around the world and some doctors on TikTok, and we had TikTok working with us,” she said.

The UN claims to own the science, but if we take a closer look at who funds the UN’s “directing and coordinating authority on international health” — the World Health Organization (WHO) — we get a clearer picture of who is really calling the shots.

Historically, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the Gates-backed GAVI vaccine alliance, have contributed more to the WHO program budget than all member nations, save two — the US and the UK.

Who owns the science again?


During last week’s WEF panel, the UN global communications rep went on to admit that people didn’t trust institutions like the UN when it came to information related to COVID, and so to counter this, the UN looked to influencers to get its messaging across through the backdoor.

“Another really key strategy we had was to deploy influencers,” she said, adding, “influencers who were really keen, who have huge followings, but really keen to help carry messages that were going to serve their communities, and they were much more trusted than the United Nations telling them something from New York City headquarters.”

The idea of infiltrating and subverting online groups from within by targeting influencers mirrors recommendations coming out of a Google-backed RAND report published in April, 2021.

According to the report’s policy recommendations:

“Conspiracists have their own experts on whom they lean to support and strengthen their views, and their reliance on these experts might limit the impact of formal outreach by public health professionals.

Our review of the literature shows that one alternative approach could be to direct outreach toward moderate members of those groups who could, in turn, exert influence on the broader community.”

The report went on to say, “Commercial marketing programs use a similar approach when they engage social media influencers (or brand ambassadors), who can then credibly communicate advantages of a commercial brand to their own audiences on social media.”

Moderating last week’s “Tackling Disinformation” panel was WEF managing director Adrian Monck, who in recent months has been name-calling critics of the WEF and components of its great reset agenda as white supremacists and anti-Semites engaged in far-right disinformation campaigns.

When addressing CNN’s Rachel Smolkin, Monck said that CNN was part of a political war strategy to “own the narrative.”

“CNN is both an organization that’s trying to make sense of the world and trying to establish the facts; it’s also part of a political war on who owns the narrative,” he said.

According to MintPress News, CNN received $3.6 million in donations from none other than the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — the same organization that’s been heavily invested in the WHO.

The investigation revealed that Gates had also donated a whopping $319 million to many of the biggest and most influential corporate news outlets in the world.

Who’s really engaged in the “political war on who owns the narrative” again?


*Source: Top UN Official: ‘We Own The Science And The World Should Know It’ | Principia Scientific Intl.

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