Top Doctor Reveals Cancer-Cutting Regimen That Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About

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“We need a reawakening because this current medical system is broken,” declared accomplished physician and author of 500 peer-reviewed journal articles Dr. Paul Marik in a sit-down interview with The Epoch Times.

“Medicine is controlled by big pharma. The food industry is controlled by the big nutrition companies. And I think they’re in cahoots to keep Americans as unhealthy as they can by promoting bad food, which causes all of these diseases for which you take drugs which are not curative.”

“What we used to do [in the olden days] is we’d live indoors in our little cave, and then we’d sleep with no artificial light, which is really important because having darkness at night is really important to make melatonin. That’s what the Pineal gland does. If your Pineal Gland is not functioning optimally, you don’t make melatonin. It significantly increases your risk of cancer, particularly breast cancer,” shared Dr. Marik.

“So, night shift work is actually classified by the EPA as a type 2 carcinogen (probably carcinogenic) — because these synthetic lights switch off melatonin. They don’t have infrared,” he denoted.

“What we did during the night was we were in the cave. During the day, we went outdoors. We went hunting. We got sunshine. We got blue light. Blue light is important for the day to switch off the Pineal gland and make infrared. And we’ve disturbed that natural cycle of life,” lamented Dr. Marik.

“Walk outdoors, get sunshine, eat once or twice a day, reestablish your circadian rhythm where you have darkness at night and light during the day,” recommended Dr. Marik. “It’s just common sense.”

“And so, vitamin D is so critical,” he stressed. “This is not fringe.”

“There’s overwhelming data that people who have low vitamin D levels…

Read full story: Top Doctor Reveals Cancer-Cutting Regimen That Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About

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