Top 12 REPLACEMENTS the fascist Democrats aim to accomplish to overthrow the America we once knew

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 Nearly all Americans who voted and will vote for more Democrats to run this country have no clue what is happening to our country right now, nor do they understand that the entire party is run by communists under the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. The whole “anti-fascist” movement has been propagated by fascists themselves, as a cover. The entire supply chain for food, fuel, and production has been crippled on purpose to systematically install communism in America. Anyone who can’t see this happening before their very eyes has been hypnotized, brainwashed, dumbed-down, and perverted by a cruel system that intends to enslave them and replace them. This is no conspiracy theory; there are 12 obvious tactical realms where this is happening, and worse, right now. Let’s take a look.

Top 12 replacements being made by the demon Democrats in Washington DC

#1. Replace Americans with illegal immigrants

#2. Replace real meat with lab-concocted GMO Franken-meat and bugs

#3. Replace the dollar with crypto money (that can be turned off in one second)

#4. Replace all fossil fuels (gas and oil) with “green energy” that won’t really work

#5. Replace US military with Chinese Communist Party militants

#6. Replace all healthy people with clot shot zombies

#7. Replace all small and medium-sized businesses with corporate monopolies

#8. Replace liberty and the Constitution with communism and fascist rule

#9. Replace all in-person voting with faked mail-in-ballots and fixed voting machines

#10. Replace all religious and moral people with sex-crazed perverts and gender-fluid trannies

#11. Replace all real learning in schools with CRT (hate whitey ‘curriculum’) and dumbed-down virtual ‘unlearning’

#12. Replace all truth news with scripted narratives on TV, pharma websites, and fake bot-run social media

The Biden Regime wants all Americans wiped out and then replaced with permanent immigrant slaves

The demon Democrats have their base voting for more self-inflicted punishment, across the board. Besides millions of fake votes cast in 2020, at least one hundred million Democrats in America still believe their party cares about them and their country, even though they are being turned into slaves and zombies, and systematically eliminated through toxic food, toxic medicine, and loss of all liberties.

As the value of the American dollar shrivels, so does the health of every American who thinks the Covid “vaccines” stave off viruses. These are the same zombies who think prescription drugs can save their already wrecked health. These are the same less-than-human humans who eat conventional food, drink tap water, and get flu shots.

At least 100 million Americans watch the news on their television and think it’s real. They actually support Ukraine and think NATO is a good union of world forces that’s trying to save the world from communist aggression.

These are the same Americans who think the world is about to get so hot that people will burst into flames just walking down the streets, and that the oceans will soon gobble up all the coastline land because the glaciers are all melting due to humans driving gas-fueled cars.

These are the same Americans who think white people are born racist, and that there’s no such thing as a biological man or woman. These Americans stare into their smart device all day, believing that their number of “likes” and “followers” on social media determine whether they are valid as important or “acceptable” to society’s “norms.”

These brainwashed Americans have no clue that Big Pharma runs the AMA, CDC, FDA, EPA, USDA, DHS, ACS, NIH, and every hospital in America. They have no clue that nearly all diseases and disorders are preventable and even treatable with natural remedies and a clean food regimen (and exercise).

These are the people that are being wiped off the earth and replaced. These are the people who are being disarmed, bankrupted, starved, and sickened by a corrupted system run by demon Democrats. Wake up and smell the poison coffee. See the forest for the trees, before it’s too late.

**Source: Top 12 REPLACEMENTS the fascist Democrats aim to accomplish to overthrow the America we once knew –

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