Today, you’ll hear Trump conceded. He didn’t. He’s likely just buying time…

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Article Source: Today, you’ll hear Trump conceded. He didn’t. He’s likely just buying time.

In a statement from the President released by White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications and Director of Social Media Dan Scavino, it would appear at first glance that Donald Trump has conceded the presidential race. After all, he said that there will be “there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.”

If we’re being realistic, this is likely an indication that the President has accepted his fate despite not believing that he actually lost. Let’s not get our hopes up too high, right? On the other hand, the careful wording of the statement indicates, at least to those of us who are still hopeful, that this is an effort to placate enemies who are calling for a 25th Amendment removal while he continues to fight. Reread the statement. I’ve highlighted some key points.

“Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th. I have always said we would continue our fight to ensure that only legal votes were counted. While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”

Let’s break down each highlighted piece of the statement. First, there’s “there will be an orderly transition,” which is the part that needed to be said in order to placate the enemy. He doesn’t say there will be a “peaceful transition of power,” which is what we’d normally expect to read in such a statement. Could the “orderly transition” be the removal of those who have showed their true colors, including Vice President Mike Pence?

The next conspicuous part of the statement is unambiguous. He said, “we would continue our fight,” to ensure only legal votes “were” counted. There are two weeks until Inauguration Day. This would seem to indicate he’s still going to fight. It’s important that he mentioned votes that “were” counted versus a blanket statement indicating he’ll fight for fair elections in the future. If he’s still fighting, he still thinks there’s a chance. Perhaps, based on information such as the “Italy connection,” he KNOWS there’s still a chance he will win.

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On a less obvious note, the President said it was the end of “greatest first term.” We could read into the fact that he didn’t say “single term” or simply “term,” but that’s a bit of a stretch. Nevertheless, in context with the other pieces it’s exactly what one might say if they don’t really intend to be leaving anytime soon.

Lastly, he said this term is “only the beginning of our fight.” We can take this one of two ways. The obvious way is that he intends to continue to work towards making America great again through his future endeavors, including his rumored “Trump TV” to take on Fox News and others as a right-leaning television news channel. The other way we can read this is that he intends to stay in the White House and continue the fight.

The reason he would absolutely need to make this type of statement now even if he intends to keep fighting is because of threats from many in Washington DC to remove him prematurely through the 25th Amendment. For the first time in history, that’s actually a valid option that could very well be used, not because they fear he is so unfit that he needs to be pushed out less than two weeks before Inauguration Day but for a much more nefarious reason.

The biggest fear of The Swamp and the Deep State is a President Trump who feels backed into a corner. Following the so-called last ditch effort to correct the issue through Congress, many Swamp Creatures and Deep Staters feared he might do the unthinkable: Declassify the dirt he has on them. This is why they rushed to unveil their 25th Amendment plans the moment they thought he would start truly feeling the sting of defeat.

It was a threat, but not an empty one. It even prompted me to wonder if the alleged rushed move from Washington DC to Texas, reported last night by multiple sources, was due to their attempt to stifle him while they initiated their plans to remove him.

Twitter has already stifled him. If they could disconnect him from his cabinet and allies, they could work to have him removed before he does something drastic. We covered that possibility and the other news pertaining to it in the latest episode of NOQ Report.

Part of me didn’t want to post this article so as not to alert the adversary to his possible plans. Then, I realized while NOQ’s traffic is growing, there are few if any in The Swamp who read it. We’re a home for a growing number of conservatives and Trump-supporting patriots, so I concluded it was safe to put out my theory.

Before the President’s statement, I considered it about 50/50 that an evidentiary MOAB would drop in time. Now that “Trump conceded” and promised an “orderly transition,” I’m back up to 70% sure he’s still going to be President January 21st.

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