These 6 studies show why children should never be injected with the COVID shot

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(LifeSiteNews) – Children’s natural defenses against SARS-CoV-2 have spared them from the coronavirus, and therefore I ask why we would we seek to bypass these defenses and threaten them.   

Why vaccinate our children for this mild and typically non-consequential virus when they bring protective innate immunity towards COVID-19, other coronaviruses, and other respiratory viruses? Why push to vaccinate children who may well be immune due to prior exposure (asymptomatic or mild illness) and cross-reactivity/cross-protection? Children are likely COVID-recovered and as such are immune; why not consider assessing their immune status? Because of their young age, their robust innate immunity, and this possibility that they are COVID-recovered, they should not be given COVID vaccines.  

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche writes that children’s innate immunity “normally/naturally largely protects them and provides a kind of herd immunity in that it dilutes infectious CoV pressure at the level of the population, whereas mass vaccination turns them into shedders of more infectious variants. Children/youngsters who get the disease mostly develop mild to moderate disease and as a result continue to contribute to herd immunity by developing broad and long-lived immunity.” 

This is potentially a very serious issue, for the vaccine offers children no opportunity for benefit and only potential for harms. We could end up killing thousands of our children with these safety untested vaccines. There is no proper safety data, either medium or long-term, and parents must stand up now and say NO! Under no condition for there is no evidence to support COVID vaccination of children. This op-ed provides 6 studies that helps make the case that children must be considered already “vaccinated” and must not be touched by these vaccines…

Read full story [icon name=”arrow-right” prefix=”fas”] These 6 studies show why children should never be injected with the COVID shot – LifeSite

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