The White House Appears to Have Signed Off on FBI Raid of Trump’s Home to Send Him a Message About 2024

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The Federal Bureau of Investigation may have come up empty-handed in its latest Trump witch hunt. The FBI raided the former president’s home in Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida on Monday, even raiding the safe, but there was nothing in it, according to former First Son Eric Trump.

“JUST spoke to Eric Trump,” Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade tweeted. “[N]othing in the safe, FBI agents 30 approx raided on behalf of nation archives …This is outrageous- has to have come from POTUS and/or someone in White House.”

“More from Eric Trump,” he continued. [W]hen Pres[ident’ Trump lawyers scrambled to raid she was told to stand in corner and demanded they shut security cameras… they didn’t…my view: sounds like how they handled Manafort, Navarro, & Roger Stone…FBI out of control..White House lost their minds.”

The reason for the FBI’s unannounced raid was allegedly tied to boxes of classified information that Donald Trump had purportedly taken to his Florida estate.

Democrat power attorney Marc Elias dropped a critical nugget about the political motivation behind the FBI raid.

The criminal law at play is 18 USC 2071. It states that those convicted of this offense will be “disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”

The New York Times report does not conceal the political backdrop of the raid. The Times reported:

The search, according to two people familiar with the investigation, appeared to be focused on material that Mr. Trump had brought with him to Mar-a-Lago, his private club and residence, after he left the White House. Those boxes contained many pages of classified documents, according to a person familiar with their contents.

Mr. Trump delayed returning 15 boxes of material requested by officials with the National Archives for many months, only doing so when there became a threat of action being taken to retrieve them.

CNN’s White House correspondent claimed that the president’s staff was not given a ‘heads up’ on the raid. A federal judge had authorized the search warrant based on purported ‘probable cause’ to raid the estate.

Trump was not in attendance at the time of the raid. The report does not indicate that the FBI found what it was looking for.

The search was at least in part for whether any records remained at the club, the person familiar with the search said.

The reported search came at a time when the Justice Department has also been stepping up questioning of former Trump aides who had been witnesses to discussion and planning in the White House of Mr. Trump’s efforts to remain in office after his loss in the 2020 election.

If the Times report is accurate, the FBI’s unannounced raid would be an egregious case of prosecutorial misconduct. No president has ever been targeted for such an FBI raid for such a spurious reason in our nation’s history.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, for example, was clearly guilty of running an illicit homebrew server that illegally sent and received classified material and was never held accountable, let alone subject to an FBI raid.

Earlier, Donald Trump released a statement on the FBI’s unannounced raid of his property.

“These are dark times for our Nation, as my beautful home, Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is currently under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of FBI agents,” Trump said in his statement.

“Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before,” he went on. “After working and cooperating with the relevant Government agencies, this unannounced raid on my home was not necessary or appropriate. It is prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially based on recent polls, and who will likewise do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

“Such an assault could only take place in broken, Third-World Countries,” Trump added. “Sadly, America has now become one of those Countries, corrupt at a level not seen before. They even broke into my safe!”

“What is the difference between this and Watergate, where operatives broke into the Democratic National Committee?” he said. “Here, in reverse, Democrats broke into the home of the 45th President of the United States.”

“The political persecution of President Donald J. Trump has been going on for years, with the now fully debunked Russia, Russia, Russia Scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and so much more, it just never ends,” the statement continued. “It is political targeting at the highest level!”

“Hillary Clinton was allowed to delete and acid wash 33,000 E-mails AFTER they were subpoenaed by Congress,” Trump said. “Absolutely nothing has happened to hold her accountable. She even took antique furniture, and other items from the White House.”

“I stood up to America’s bureaucratic corruption, I restored power to the people, and truly delivered for our Country, like we have never seen before,” he added. “The establishment hated it. Now, as they watch my endorsed candidates win big victories, and see my dominance at polls, they are trying to stop me, and the Republican Party, once more. The lawlessness, political persecution, and Witch Hunt must be exposed and stopped.”

“I will continue to fight for the American People!”

If the FBI can raid the home of a former president for such reasons, no one is safe. These are dark times for the country, indeed.

The post The White House Appears to Have Signed Off on FBI Raid of Trump’s Home to Send Him a Message About 2024 appeared first on Becker News.


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