The WEF Leaders Admit To Restricting ‘Food’ & ‘Energy’ Production

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In this video, Neil McCoy-Ward looks at how WEF leaders have admitted to restricting food and energy production.

McCoy-Ward begins with an explanation as he originally meant to publish this video at the end of 2022 but didn’t in favour of covering bigger events that were happening. However, publishing it now almost 6 months later, it is even more relevant as we can see how the plans discussed in the video are currently being carried out by the WEF.

The WEF leaders discuss what is being done within the food system and how it needs to be accelerated even further and faster. They also discuss how what was happening in Europe at the end of 2022 was having a ripple effect by driving the price of energy up in the developed world and emerging markets.


Source: The WEF Leaders Admit To Restricting ‘Food’ & ‘Energy’ Production | Principia Scientific Intl.

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